
She is mine

By Obodozie favour Chioma

Chapter Eight

[ Secrets are revealed]

Three days later.

"Dad thanks for coming with me to Jeremy's birthday party"Paula said smiling at me.

" It my pleasure my love. You deserve to be happy" I said walking in with her.

" Dad I'm nervous what if all those kids doesn't like me and my dress what if it not as beautiful as other girls own? "Paula asked nervous.

" My love you are really beautiful so don't worry about that"I told her and she heaved a sigh of relief.

"Are you sure dad?" Paula asked.

"100% sure so don't worry" I said and we were directed to the garden where the party took place.

"Be sure to have fun Paula" I told her entering the living room where Adults were.

" Paula you are here" I heard and turned to see Jeremy who hugged me tight.

"Happy birthday Jeremy. I brought you this" I told him after disengaging from the hug.

" Thanks Paula. I'm so glad you are here the party was becoming boring because you weren't here. You look really beautiful"Jeremy said and I smiled.

"Thank you."I told him.

" I will introduce you to my friends then my mum"He said surprising me.

" Your mum? "I asked him.

"Yes. She really wants to see you but first have some cake... Waiter please a cake for her"He said offering me a cake.

" It really delicious. "I said to him.

" I know you will like it. It your favorite flavor coconut and I made my mum design this whole garden just the way you told me you like it"Jeremy said and I smiled.

" But it your birthday not mine. I didn't mean to make you do all this. I'm sorry "I told him and he held my hands.

" I have told you before Paula whatever makes you happy makes me happy as well. My birthday can't be complete without you. Enough of all this Henry And Piper come over I want to introduce you to someone"Jeremy called out.

" Henry, Piper meet Paula my close friend"He said smiling.

" Wow she is really beautiful"Henry complimented.

" She looks nice"Piper said and I smiled.

"Thank you. It nice meeting you" I told them.

"So now my mum. Enjoy the party guys"Jeremy said dragging me along with him.

"Mr Nathan where's mum?"Jeremy asked a man who smiled and said.

"She went upstairs".

" Oh okay. Let go then"He said taking me.

" This place is really beautiful"I said smiling.

Bella had never let me come out of the mansion on my own for the past 9 years now. Today she angrily asked me to leave with my daughter she doesn't care. I feel ashamed of myself knowing I can't do anything to help my daughter out of her misery.

I thought of telling her about my addiction but she was just to small to understand so it best I keep it a secret.

I walked upstairs and heard a lady talking, her voice sounded familiar and I don't know why I somehow felt attached to that voice.

I opened the door and found her struggling with her zip.

"Oh God this ZIP. Oh Sam you are here.[Sam is Jeremy nanny] can you help me out with this ZIP?.It really stuck"I heard her say.

I have been struggling with this ZIP for almost 20 minutes and am so sure Jeremy is waiting for me or he is probably looking for me. Thank goodness Sam came over to help.

"Are you done?. Oh thank you" I told her and turned only to see Jake standing in front of me.

"What are you doing here?" I said almost screaming.

"Um, I heard you struggling that why I came to help"I heard him say and it irritated me immediately.

I couldn't control my emotions at the moment, I had mixed feelings at first I wanted to hug him really tight and tell him how much I missed him but at the same time I wanted to hate him and kill him out of my house.

"You look familiar. Have we met before?" Were his exact questions shocking me.

He looked extremely slim and different from when I was his maid but why would I care he is only but a rapist. He had his way on me with no mercy at all.

"He deserves what happening to him" My mind came at me but my heart beat said a different thing entirely.

I just stood for a while not knowing how to answer him. Was he pretending to not know me or he has actually lost his memory?.

"Why do you care ?.he is only but a rapist"My mind came again.

" Jane. Why does that name keep on repeating in my head?. Even why I sleep I hear that name?"I heard him say and my heart sank.

Does he still love me?. What going on?. God please help me I can't do a thing here.

I watched him come close.

"You look really familiar" He said his hands running on my arms. He held me tight and I couldn't say a word.

"Your eyes reminds me of someone. But who?" He said and I looked away from his tempting green eyes.

" Let me go"I said trying o release myself from his grip.

He watched me closely without saying a word,I closed my eyes feeling his hands caress my body slowly.

He dragged me close to him and I could feel his hands around my waist. I swallowed hard extremely confused on how to respond or react to this.

My body failing me, it craved for this and wanted this for a long time the next thing I knew was that I had wrapped my hands around his neck.

He lifted my chin up a little by then my eyes were open and it was staring deeply at his dark green eyes. I missed him so much that I knew but then.

"Keep quiet and enjoy it" My mind came at me surprising me.

I closed my eyes feeling the touch of his lips on my neck, he felt slowly kissing every part of it. I wanted more and my lips also betrayed me.

It whispered softly in his ears

"I want more Jake please".

*What?. Did I just say that?"*I said extremely surprised.

Before I knew it, his lips was on mine. I couldn't resist it and without warning I gave in to his kisses. The kiss became more passionate than I knew.

Then I heard my son's voice and I had my senses back. I realized I had given Jake a chance again and I couldn't.

He raped me and I can't let my son know about this rapist?. I withdrawn from the kiss immediately slapping him hard.

"Security! Security! Get this man out of here" I called out and they ran into the room.

"Jane. What's going on?" He asked me looking confused.

" Throw him out"I said and watched my son and a girl walk in.

"Dad what going on?" The little asked shocking me.

"Mum what going on?" My son questioned me but I ignored him.

It best if he doesn't know anything about this at all especially that Jake is his father and that little girl is his half sister.

I watched the little girl run after Jake, she looked really worried. He was her dad after all so I won't blame her if she is.

"Paula! Mum why are you doing this?" My son asked running after her.

God what going on?. So Jake is in love with his half sister. This is just not possible.

My guards held him and prevented him from going near them. Jake was thrown out of my house, I watched from a view upstairs.

Jeremy ran upstairs to his room and ran to his door asking him to open the door but he refused.

"Go away mum" He said angrily.

"Jeremy come out. Let mummy explain things to you".I begged.

" Don't. I don't want to hear it neither do I want to talk to you again"He said surprising me.

" Why?. You can't do this to mum".

" You caused this throwing Paula's dad out if the party. Mum I could see the pain in Paula's house when you did and I can't be happy when she is not".He said surprising me.

Has he fallen madly in love with his half sister?. God please do something.

"Ma'am we threw him out of the house" I heard the security guards said rubbing salt to my wounds.

"Okay" I responded watching them leave.

I sat down close to Jeremy's room gently touching my lips. I couldn't believe he kissed me after 9 years of separation.

I can't still be in love with Jake up until now. Even after he had his way on me forcefully, I'm I ready to forgive and forget what I went through and all what he did just for a kiss.

But then what can I do?. I couldn't stop myself when I was around him, I lost control I wanted him and it seems my body craved for his touch and his body on mine again.

It recognized his touches and it jumped at the opportunity it get when Jake came close to me.

But then seeing Paula today brought jealousy and Anger in me. How would I tell my son that Paula's dad is also his dad and today he finally got to see the man he had asked for over the years.

Worse without even realising I think my feelings for him has started to flourish all over again.

My heart still beat the same and for him worse it still calls his name even though I try denying it that right and today the kiss proved that I still want him back.

"Dad are you alright?" Paula asked me. She stared me shocked.

" I'm fine"I told her standing up.

" Dad why would that lady do that to you?" She asked and I ignored the question.

I could only see memories flash through my eyes. It wasn't clear but from it I was happy.

I wasn't standing, I was in a wheelchair but why?. There's a lady staring at me smiling. Who is that?

"Dad. Please be careful" My daughter said looking worried.

"My love I'm fine let go home please" I told her and she nodded.

After putting Paula to sleep, I waited patiently for Bella I had a few questions and I needed answers to that.

Why did I feel it was right to kiss that lady.?. Why was I so attached to her and I wanted to love forever.

I need to know why I felt my heart would be safe in her hands. Why was I ready to love her till forever?. She wouldn't have just kissed me anyhow. She knows me and loves me too.

But then I am married to Bella aren't I?. What going on?. Nothing looks clear to me. Why did it feel like I loved her and she did the same. Why do I keep having all this flashes in my head?.

Bella has been lying to me all this years. She told me I lost my memory before we could get married.

"Was she lying?. Is this marriage a lie?."I asked myself.

I watched Bella walk in,she looked really drunk.

"Why are you still up?" She asked trying hard to stand on her two feets.

" I want us to talk but clearly you don't love in shape to"I said she stared at me.

" What up with this daring response?" She asked coming close to me.

She staggered and fell down.

"You don't look fine, Go rest" I said about leaving but then I decided to help her out.

I wasn't ready for Paula to see her in this condition. What image would it display for her?.

"Leave me" She said but I ignored her and tried helping her out.

"Jake..what do you want to know?" She asked trying to kiss me and I wondered if as her husband I shouldn't resist it but then all I see is that woman Jane.

She still went in kissing me on the lips and I could only hear and see her, I accidentally called out her name.

"I love you Jane" I said and she pushed me.

"What did you just say?"She asked staring furiously at me.

I stood up and stared at her.

" Who is she?. Jane" I asked and she stared away.

"She is no body" She said staring away from me.

"You are lying to me Bella. You said I only loved you and we were about to get married when I lost my memory you aren't telling me the truth"I said and she looked away.

" It best you go to bed"She said again and I got upset.

"Tell me why does her name keep on repeating endlessly in my mind. Why do I want to love her forever?. Why can't I get her of my mind?. Why do I get this unclear flashes of a beautiful woman smiling at me"I asked her and watched bring out a bottle filled with my tablets.

The one I got addicted to taking, she told me it was the drugs the doctor wanted me to have so I could get back my memory but then I only do things she want me to do without question when I get the drugs.

Now I feel she was lying to me.For 9 good years,she has made me drink this drugs without question but today this will have to stop.

"Have your drugs you would be fine?" She said and I angrily held her.

" You have that drugs. How about I feed it to you?" I asked her and she stared at me a bit scared.

" Jake why are you acting like this?" She asked me but I only need answers from her not questions.

"You tell me what In this drugs. You're lying to me Bella tell me the truth".I said not ready to hear excuses.

" It normal tablets okay and for your questions about Jane. She is only an Ex, she poisoned your mind against me and had your mum killed"She said shocking me.

Somehow I didn't want to believe her. I felt she was lying, the lady who I kissed yesterday had nothing but pure love in her eyes. She didn't look like sho could hurt a fly so what going on?.

"That the truth Jake. Trust me I'm your wife and what would I gain by lying to you?"She said and gave me a peck on the cheeks.

I walked away, I wasn't comfortable sharing a room with Bella again. One of them is obviously lying and I will find out who.

Tomorrow after work I will sneak out to go to her house and question her about it. There's more to what Bella is saying.

"God what going on?. Why is Jake questioning me about Jane all of a sudden after hiding her existence from him for over 9 years now today he calls her name. How?. Why?"I said almost in tears.

" Things aren't going well for me this days. Why?. Now he questions me about this drugs. Wait! Have Jake had an encounter with Jane? Is Jane back in LA ?"I asked myself and I recalled her exact words to me before I heard of her leaving.

After winning the case she had fired against me claiming I was the one who instructed Jim to kill her. She came to me full of tears.

"What do you want or aren't you tired if losing?" I said smiling.

"Bella it would be best for you to repent of your sins now that you have the chance before it too late"Was her words and I ignored it.

" Thanks for the sermon but this isn't a church it a court room. You have got to learn how to give advice when it needed not when it a piece of junk"

" Mind you the word karma is coming for you. First you won the case saying Jake couldn't have raped me now this"I interrupted her.

" Wipe your tears my love. In case you're not aware money can do anything and this kind of world we are it came make you cry"I said laughing.

" Mark my words clearly I will come back for you and take everything that ever belongs to you and I will watch you beg and plead at my feet. With no mercy I promise to send you to the prison cell where you belong".She said and I gave out a mocking laughter.

" Look at this poor church rat. Oh you think because you have got a body guard who follows you around and tries to help you, you feel you have got the right to dream. I won't stop you from dreaming while you're at it I will take everything that ever belonged to you and make it mine. Oh yes stop looking for self pity when you aren't pregnant anymore"I told her and she stared at me shocked.

" You're shocked right. Well don't be...I'm sure Jim became of use to me by injecting you. Ooups am not supposed to say a thing about it. Forgive me and attend my wedding it in two weeks time"I said and left.

I never heard she was around since then but now she's back but why?. To take revenge or what!

The next day.

We were all informed that we will get to see the boss true identity. Everyone stood waiting for her. I really wanted to know who was daring enough to get me to wash her toilet for two days.

I watched others murmur saying they heard she was nice and really kind. Hmm.

I only asked Jake to get me a file and he is taking forever to come back.Where was he?. Somehow I cared less my concern was finding out who made me suffer embrassment for two days with no mercy.

"Yes Nathan. I really couldn't control myself yesterday, I got marvelled seeing him yesterday and I just did that now Jeremy is refusing to talk to me"I heard a familiar voice say.

Her voice sounded familiar and clear too but who was this!. I had ran upstairs to get the contract Bella had instructed for and only for me to hear a familiar voice.

I watched her come out of the elevator.

"Jane" I called out and she stared at me shocked.

"What's he doing here?" I heard her say.

She was about running into the elevator but I followed put. This was an opportunity I didn't have to miss. I needed to ask her some questions and she has to answer them.

"Get out please" She said but I ignored her. I pressed the button to go up and she also did the same.

We both continued pressing different button until we heard.

"Power failure system is shutting down"

"Jane what going on? ".I heard someone say from her phone.

" Am stuck here in the elevator"She tried saying but there was no connection.

"See what you caused now we are both stuck here"She said trying to on her phone torch light.

"At least I'm stuck with you" I told her and she rolled her eyes.

"There's no way of getting out how you know that?" She said staring at me.

"Am sure someone will try helping us out but first are you the owner of this company?" He asked and I looked away.

" Yes I am"I told him and he smiled.

" So tell me why your name keeps on repeating continuously in my mind? "Was the questions I asked her.

" How am I to know?" Was her response.

"You have to know. At least you could tell me why you responded to my kisses yesterday and why your heart stop beating seeing me close to you".I asked her and she couldn't mutter a word.

"Tell me Jane please" I begged.

"You want to know real bad" She said staring at me.

"Yes"I responded.

" Alright. Jake Smith your mum hired me as your personal maid and my mission was to get you out of your misery. You had an accident and so you couldn't walk, I saved you from committing suicide promising to help you get back on your two feets, you were depressed and cared less about anything until I came. The doctor said for you to be okay again you needed to go through strenuous exercise to be able to walk again but you couldn't as one of your kidney was in a bad shape so I gave you mine".She said to me.

"Were you truly In love with me? "I asked.

" My eyes tells it all"She said and I couldn't mutter anything.

" After giving you my kidney, I helped you improve fast and soon you were back on your feet. You loved me so much or so I thought. You asked me to be your girlfriend and I did then all of a sudden you turned bad and hated the sight of me I got fed up and decided to start life afresh with Jim and on the night of my birthday you proved to me that you were only but a monster with no heart left in you"She said and by then we heard the elevator door try to open.

" What did I do?" I asked her, I felt dizzy and extremely weak. Flashes of my past kept running through my mind.

"You raped me. You became the monster I hate and despise now" She said to me and I felt ashamed.

" Pull!! "We heard and the elevator door was pulled open.

"I'm sorry Jane" I said and fell down.

"Jake!" I heard her say as I closed my eyes slowly.

I watched Jake and noticed he was feeling dizzy but why. He fell down flat on the ground after apologising to me.

"Jake!!!" I screamed.

"Ma'am are you alright?." My body guards who saved us said.

"Yes. Help him up let take him to the hospital please" I told them and they did.

We walked down stairs only to see all my workers gathered to see me.

"What going on?" Some of them asked.

"Wait is that Jane?" I heard someone say. The voice sounded quite familiar.

It was Bella!

She ran close to my car and demanded to follow me as Jake was her husband and she also had the right to him.

She threatened me saying I drugged him and did something to him and how come I was locked up in the elevator with him if it wasn't a planned work.

I stared at her and knew she wasn't worth arguing with and Jake's life was in danger.

"If you want to be with your husband this bad. You go take your own car and follow us"I told her and told my security guard to drive as fast as he can.

I held Jake's hands, it was becoming cold and I was feeling scared. I called Nathan and told him we were on our way.

He told me to wipe my tears and that he is waiting for me at the hospital.We got there and the nurses helped take Jake in an hospital bed.

"Nathan what going on?. Why are they saying he needs to be operated on?"I asked him and he stared at me.

" Relax Jane please"He said and left.

Few minutes later I watched him enter the ICU room[ Theatre room].

The light bulb was switched on and I paced the room back and forth in tears. I couldn't lose Jake not again.

"Lord please I don't want to lose him" I cried out.

" Ma'am are you his wife?"The nurse asked.

"Um...'Before I could answer she stared at me.

"You will have to fill this form before we can commence the Operation"The nurse told me.

I stared outside Bella had not arrived yet and Jake's life was at stake. Plus he is in a serious condition.

"Where can I sign?. I'm his wife" I told her and she handed me the file.

I signed it and gave her back just then Bella walked in demanding for Jake.

"Where is my husband? "Bella said walking in.

" Will you lower your voice this is an hospital? "I told her.

"That not my problem. You witch you have decided to come back and feel you would take everything away from me without a fight. That not possible now tell me where is Jake? ".She said and I rolled my eyes.

" At least feel a bit concerned for Jake if not the rest of the patients here. Calm down and if we were to fight you don't do that in an hospital but in a boxing ring. Hope you know? "I told her.

" Get this Jane the same way I got rid of you before I will do the same to you so be careful"She said and I laughed.

" Don't you dare try to threaten me? It was then I was scared of your threats. Clearly you aren't concerned about your husband but by fighting me and that the least of my problem. KP and JK send this mad woman out of the hospital and make sure she doesn't return"I told my two security guards.

They came and dragged her out.

"Be sure not to come back" I told her watching her rant.

"You will suffer for this I promise you Jane. I hate you and will do anything in my power to get rid of you even if it kills me".

I ignored her pointless words and went on my knees and prayed for Jake. He needs to have a successful surgery.

"Mum where's dad?" Paula asked and I just felt like killing her right there.

" Paula go upstairs to your room and finish up with your homework. Dad's not home"I told her and she walked upstairs.

"What really going on?.I'm losing everything I have to jane,my company and even now Jake."I said almost in tears.

"Hey baby"I heard and felt someone arms wrapped around me.

" Gambo" I called out and he smiled kissing me on the lips.

"Let me go Gambo" I told him and he laughed.

"You know I can't you still owe me a lot of favors you know?"He said and I frowned biting my lower lip.

" What favor?. I have paid you for every work you have done for me?"I told him and he laughed.

" Not every work"He said and I frowned.

"What do I still owe you?" I asked him and he smiled.

"Now you are talking. You seem to have forgotten all what I did. I helped you kill Jim or have you forgotten how I sneaked into the prison on your request and I had a fight with him and killed him. You left me in prison for days you know before bribing the police to release me, I also helped you cover all the traces of Jake's mum death and plus I also helped you kill Jake's cousin so you could have the company and I also supply you with the dose of drugs you give Jake so he could obey your every word. You owe me a lot sweetheart"He said and I tried smiling.

My only mistake was not getting rid of this fool standing in front of me I told myself.

"And to add to that I gave you the drugs for you to poison your dad. Helped you get video tape of Jim raping a girl in Korea and hiding her dead body so you could blackmail him. I helped you fake your father's will so you could own all his properties and Jake's one as well. All this I have done just to make you happy Bella. It only proves how much I love you and how I can do anything to make you happy even kill. I repeat I would kill anyone just to make you give me that smile on your face that my love for you. Regardless of you not being able to produce a child I helped you get that girl in there Paula from the adoption center so you could claim she is your child and have all Jake's wealth to yourself. I have tried everything I could to make you happy so you owe me a lot"He said leading his hands straight to my skirt.

" I missed this"He said kissing me and leading me upstairs.

" Gambo someone might see us". I said to him trying hard to resist him. I knew I wasn't able to conceive but it was all his fault.

I had several abortions all because he wasn't ready to settle down. I loved money that I knew and so when I got to know my father wasn't planning on giving me his inheritance based on my irresponsible attitude.

I told Gambo who was my boyfriend then and I made him promise to help me kill him and anyone in my way to be rich.

He was after my body and I was after money, my greed overtook me when I realized my father had little money left since he spent most of his years donating his money to orphanage.

I had so much hate for my dad and Gambo helped me poisoned him, I took the little money he had by changing his will.

I and Gambo lived life to the fullest and when we both realized our money was almost finished, Jake's mum had come to my mum begging for financial help to save Jake and help him out in the surgery.

I convinced Gambo of giving them the money in the pretence of I getting married to Jake.

We researched everything about Jake before I arranged with Jake's mum to marry him, the plan was that I get married to Jake and then I kill his cousin.

I came back to Jake's life only to see that Witch Jane who just refuses to leave on her own. I so much hate her, I began to loose interest in Gambo and loved money more. I wanted to have many money but then my love of money lead to the break down of the company.

I lost all my shares to Jane as she is the new boss of my company, all my handwork is just in vain.

I hate Jane so much and I care less if Jake dies. I only want money nothing more.

"Kpam!" We heard and turned to see Paula staring at us.

"What is she holding?" Gambo asked and I watched her hide it but before she did my eyes caught a phone.

Did she just record what Gambo has said?. I asked myself.

"Paula darling give me that phone" I said to her coming close but she ran as fast as her legs could carry her.

" You fool why did you open the gate for her?" I screamed at the gateman.

" Do you think she recorded me?"Gambo asked and I frowned.

" Foolish man she didn't. Go ask her why she is running?. Use your sense will you she did"I told him and he got scared.

" Where do you think she went to?"Gambo asked and I frowned at him.

" How am I suppose to know?" I told him getting my car keys.

" Get in"I said almost screaming and Gambo entered.

" That witch was never useful to me and today I promise if I get her I would strangle her with my bare hands"I said driving out of the compound.

" Calm down Bella I"m sure we would get her"Gambo said and I gave him a Stern look.

I opened up a box and brought out a pistol [ Gun].

"Today I will just have to end that girl myself. Who knows where she is and who she will give the phone to and what if they are listening to it now. Arghh that girl is making me act like this I promise I won't spare her".I said driving as fast as I could.