Chapter 124

  Chloe arrived a bit late at Vernon's office because she had to prepare Vernon's lunch first. She was scared that Vernon might yell at her again, but when she came out of the elevator, the only person she saw was Diamond, who sat at her desk and was busy arguing with someone on the phone.

Diamond went in and out of Vernon's office and continued arguing until she got pissed off and hung up the call. 

Chloe observed Diamond from afar, afraid that she might have come during the worse time of the day. 

Diamond looked exhausted. Her eyes were a little red— maybe she hadn't slept at all for the whole night. She stood at the door of Vernon's office and side-glanced inside the office. Then, her face gradually turned sour, and the edge of her lips twitched.



Diamond slammed the door as hard as she could, which made Chloe jump out of fright.