Chapter 220

"Don't you dare to say a word, Chelsea. I know how to ruin your life, and I've got the proof. I'm being considerate because I still care for my family," Chloe threatened with a sharp tone, something very unusual coming from the mouth of a meek woman like her.

Chelsea was surprised by the threat. As much as she remembered, she had never done anything wrong, and she was definitely in the right here. 

Burned by her sense of sister rivalry, Chelsea gritted her threat and yelled back, "Your threat doesn't work on me, whore! Why would I be scared of you, when I'm a good woman who lives an honest life for my husband and kids, UNLIKE YOU!"

Chelsea shoved Chloe, and Chloe— a noticeably very thin woman- lost her balance and fell on the shelves behind her, creating a loud noise that fully attracted everyone's attention until many people gathered around them.