Chapter 41 - Heroes Are Pretty Tough [1]

I was currently sat next to a black haired haired boy with dark brown eyes, he was called Damien. He was boy I had several years ago, we were currently having lunch, we usually hung out as he tended to stick around and I just didn't fare enough about him to tell him to fuck off. He brought his fork to my plate and took a boiled broccoli, I wad slightly irritated so in return I took one of his his chicken bites.

He had a goofy smile on his face but I ignored it and bit into the chicken bite. I had spent several hours a day with Damien for the last few years, I had gotten to know him quite well. He was a bit older than I was, he wad supposedly born in coliseum. Apparently his father died before he was born, and his died a few years back. So he's an orphan, sort of like myself. I say sort of like myself because of the Pendragons sort of being my family.

Although I have no familial or blood bonds with them, I share the same last name with them. However, I'm not entirely sure if that's enough to constitute us being considered a family. Well, I don't think it really matters since I'm probably dead to them anyways.

After me and him finished our food, we put our trays and cutlery away and both went away to do our own training. After an hour or so of training, we both me up again and went on a short jog. He possessed a far larger stamina pool than my own, so I had to take several breaks before he needed one.

After a little while longer of us jogging, we sat down on the track and had some water. As I was downing some water, I noticed his gaze on me. I didn't mind his gaze as he, for whatever reason, often gazed at me with an odd look in his eyes.

For an instant, It felt as if a predator was staring at me, waiting to pounce on me. I then moved hand towards his neck, making an attempt to chock him. However, my hand stopped just before it reached his neck.

'Another hitch?'

As that thought was moving through my mind, a gust of air was released from the sheer speed of my movement. Steam slowly came off my hand, I then reeled my arm back and went back to drinking my water.

"My bad, I saw a fly."

I bid Damien farewell and went back to my room where I sat down on my bed and took some time to relax. My hand started shaking somewhat unctrollably, it twitched every so often and I had very little control of it. I'm not entirely sure what could've caused this, if I had access to my Demonic Eyes I likely could have at least seen if something was off with my Mana Core, Demonic Seed or whatever else.

'What a pain in the ass.'

I stood up and walked over to the basin, I turned on the tap and splashed some water onto my face.

'I've wasted enough time here, I'll get out of this shithole in... 3 months.'

"Before I leave here, I need to acquire 'that', once I acquire it, I won't have any need for allies."

'But for now, I think I'll sleep and from tomorrow onwards I'll see what can be done about this situation.'


Narrator POV:

A black haired boy who looked to be around 15 was sitting atop a building. Opposite him there was a man who was flying, the man had short silver hair and golden eyes. He had an impeccable physique that was neither oo, every muscle in his body was bulging with pure force. He had a white super hero suit with a white cape, his suit was almost identical to a certain comic super hero's suit. However there wasn't any letter on his suit.

The silver haired man spoke, his entire being was practically radiating power, his words held power that would make an ordinary soldier collapse onto the ground.

"I don't fight children, so just come along peacefully and nothing will happen to you. I'll personally make sure you get therapy, and that you're given a caring family along with whatever else you need."

The black haired boy's eyes didn't change. He still had a completely expressionless face.

"Sure you will, you act as if you're some hero. To the people of this land, you may very well be their most powerful hero. But to me, you're merely an enemy who's life I must take."

The flying man had a disappointed look in his face, but hope had still not left his eyes. He still believed that he could save the young boy infront of him.

"You poor child..."

The boy looked at Astraeus in the eyes, and for an instant, he let his guard down. It has been several years since he saw such eyes, eyes that held some form of care towards him. The boy reached his hand out towards Astraeus, Astraeus did the same and began to descend down to his level.

A light was formed in those dark and gloomy eyes, however that light was snuffed out immediately as an arrow formed from Aura rushed towards him. The arrow shattered on impact.

"You lied to me, you fucking shitbag."

Astraeus' eyed widened, but before he could voice his opinions a soldier wielding a bow from a building a few meters away spoke.


Before the soldier could finish his sentence, The Reaper released a wave of pitch black energy that beheaded the soldier instantly. Astraeus' body released an intimating pressure however the boy didn't waver.

"Now then, why don't we get started Mr Hero."

The boy finally stood up to his full height and his black eyes began to release a dark light. Astraeus began to fly backwards at an angle so he could simultaneously gain height and distance.

Astraeus' eyes also began to release light, however it was golden in colour. Large amounts of heat began to be released from both parties eyes. However, due to both parties being experienced, they were able to concentrate all of the heat into their eyes. Both parties had different reasons for not letting heat escape,

Astraeus absolutely refused to allow such large amounts of heat to escape his eyes, if it did most of the city would be incinerated merely from him charging his attack.

The Reaper simply did not want to reduce the potency of his attack. The Reaper's eyes released a pitch black beam of energy while Astraeus released golden rays of energy from his eyes. Their lasers both met and clashed for dominance. They blasted at each other for several minutes, neither side was willing to let up.

However, the golden lasers soon overwhelmed the black lasers. When Astraeus realised his lasers had the upper hand, he flew towards the Reaper at impossible speeds. At this point, he was easily moving several thousand times the speed of light. He crashed into The Reaper and slammed his shoulder into the boy. The boy had the wind knocked out of him and was sent flying several kilometers in the direction he was slammed.

The Reaper was almost slammed into a building, however, at the last instant Astraeus appeared behind him and slammed his elbow into the boy's back to stop him from slamming into the building. Astraeus then placed his hand on the back of the boy's head. And flew straight up into the sky, as each second passed, he got faster and faster.

"Up here, I don't need to worry about destroying the city."

Then, without warning, the boy freed himself from Astraeus' grip and slammed his fist into his face. Astraeus was forced to let go of him and his flight was disrupted from the sheer force of The Reapers strike. The Reaper then channeled highly concentrated Aura into his fist, he then turned into a small yet highly volatile concentrated orb of Aura. He threw the ball of Aura with all his might and sped down towards the city.

Astraeus began to fly again and rushed down towards the ball of Aura. He moved as fast as he possibly could, he quite easily surpassed his previous speeds many times over. And just before the ball of Aura made contact with the ground, he was able to get beneath and he received the blast right at his chest. The ball exploded, the blast covered the entire and it's shockwaves were able to be felt in the next continent.

Astraeus was more or less alright from the attack, he had a few minor cuts and bruises from the explosion however he wasn't particularly injured. Astraeus gazed at The Reaper who was gently descending down to earth, presumably using Aura to increase the air resistance. Although even if he did fall from that height, Astraeus seriously doubted whether a fall like that would actually cause any harm to him.

Energy could visibly be seen being drawn towards his eyes, he was charging up another attack from his laser eyes. He didn't actually need to charge his laser eyes, however if he did it gave him time to aim and to generate some extra power.

He aimed his laser eyes at The Reaper and finally released his attack.