Chapter 92 - Footsteps Of Doom

Leon POV: 

I ran towards where I heard the screaming and clashing, after all, that was likely where Luna and everyone else was. Once I had gotten close enough, I saw that another fight had broken out. But, it wasn't the situation I was expecting.

I had been expecting to see the remaining members of Valier's group being slaughtered, but what I saw was... Artorius getting cornered. He was surrounded by both my group, and another group that had decided to cooperate with us. I saw Artorius' team's bodies scattered in the area as the two groups slowly forced Artorius' back to a tree.

I walked over to Luna.

"And that's the second superhuman out of the picture, I've made sure that he can't get a weapon to fight back." 

As I heard her speak, I looked at him. He was eyeing the sword of one of the people surrounding him. And then, I realized it. I realized the danger we'd be in if I didn't make my move.

As that person started to close in on him, I dropped my spear to let myself run faster and sprinted towards him and practically threw myself at him. Slamming my knee into his stomach, his back collided with the tree, causing it to shake. 

"No one is to interfere. If you guys mess up, then we're all dead."

If, by some miracle, he managed to get a sword off them, I was dead. Everyone here would die. I couldn't beat this guy, I knew that better than anyone else. 

I punched him in the liver, making him take a step to the side. Then, I kicked him, forcing him further from the tree. I kept punching and kicking him, getting him as far from everyone as possible. 

I then grabbed him by the sides of his head and pulled him towards me, at the same time, I slammed my forehead into his nose. 

'I can't let him get away, I can't let this guy get a weapon, I can't let him fight back.'

I kept attacking him, but slowly, I got tired. But fortunately, he was also taking serious damage. He wasn't like Valier, who was blessed with a body that was tougher than steel.

But, as I kept attacking, something felt weird. It felt like... the damage he was taking was decreasing? 

'No, that can't be right. He can't be getting more durable just after taking some hits. What's he doing?'

I watched his movements, and noticed that he had begun to move slightly to minimize the damage he took. Although he wasn't good at it, he was getting better and better at it as I unleashed my barrage of blows.

He was growing as we fought.

Thus, I then sped up, attacking with more ferocity and power than before. Then, I made a mistake. I punched him too hard, creating distance between me and him, as he held his stomach while flying backwards and soon, he collided with a tree. From the tree fell a branch. The bottom of the branch was on the lighter side, it was rather top heavy, and the top was also rather blunt.

But, I knew that without my spear, I stood no chance against a sword bearing Artorius. For a talent of his caliber, it wouldn't matter whether his sword was a fork or whether it was a blade blessed by the world itself. He would be dangerous regardless. It just had to vaguely resemble a sword.

He picked up the stick, and the pressure surrounding him immediately changed. 

But, I didn't stop, if I hesitated, I might die after all.

I ran towards him, but, as soon as I entered his range, I felt a cut form across my chest. 

'Even with a stick, he's this strong. This is ridiculous...' 


Artorius let out a breath as he swung his sword once more, ridding it of my blood, as he prepared to attack. He then looked at me, I saw sweat form on his face. I saw a look of confusion engulf his face.

'Thud. Thud. Thud.'

"Those birds... what are they running away from? And what's that sound?'

I turned around, and was equally confused. I saw birds flying away in massive flocks, heard loud footsteps approaching us, and heard the sound of a body being dragged. I also saw Luna fanatically searching for something.


Luna roared at the top of her lungs, as sweat fell from her forehead. 

'Thud. Thud. Thud.'

The footsteps got louder and louder.

"That damn Angelica... so that's what she took when she ran past me. FUCK!"

"Luna, what the hell's happened?"

Me and Artorius both stopped fighting, instinctively knowing that we had to save our energy for what was going to happen.

"We were going to kill Valier's group off, and we managed to kill off two of them, but then we saw Artorius and his group, so we changed targets immediately. When Angelica ran away, she ran past me, and... and I think she stole the antidote I had made. Meaning that Valier... has woken up."

I walked over to my spear and picked it up.

"Our fight can continue later, Valier's going to be here soon."

As I stretched and mentally prepared for Valier's arrival, a body came flying through the forest and crashed into the tree that was next to Artorius. The tree collapsed onto the poor soul who had been sent flying as if he were a cannon ball.

The ground trembled as the footsteps became louder than they had ever been.

"He's closer than I thought. Everyone else, get behind us, and do not interfere. Or else, you'll die." I said, sweating buckets.

"You're assuming I'll cooperate?"

Artorius spoke, obviously joking.

"Neither of us have a choice, both of us have been in... situations that vaguely resemble fights with Valier. Both of our situations have been without Mana and whatnot, so you should know how much of a threat he is without any abilities."

"Yeah yeah... I was joking anyways, I know better than anyone else how strong that guy is. Leon, be prepared to die. In fact, be willing to die. That's the only way we'll have a chance of winning."

Then, came Valier, as his footsteps brought an eerie sense of doom along with them.

Edited By: WorthyAdversary