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Unexpectedly, Eloyah flew high above the Necron sky clouds. I asked him why he was flying so high that sometimes I had trouble breathing.

Eloyah explained that he didn't want humans in the Camelot area to see dragons that were actually unique to devils. That is reasonable enough for me.

"If they see me coming, then the relationship between the two kingdoms will only get worse. Camelot will accuse Necron of violating the boundaries," Eloyah replied.

"You're right. Camelot and Necron seem to have a long history of feuding," I said.

Eloyah's dragon-shaped head began to nod while flying in the air. He said the journey would be very long and take a long time; it could take up to half a day from Zoggoroth to Northrest.

"Why did you choose to go to Northrest? Why not First Line or somewhere else?" Eloyah asked, breaking the silence between us.