Chapter 81: the hint

It was not that long till Mariza took hint of Tal's actions. His face seemed like his normal expressions but it did not take him long to pretend as he was not sure whether someone noticed when his stomach loudly growled. Luckily, the sound of Arvin's laugh entirely covered the sound of it. He was close to being terrified but he released a sigh of relief after his friend's laugh unexpectedly helped to cover his stomach growl.

Talin felt so much of a relief till Mariza brought up his stomach growl, she portrayed a cute smirk while taking a glance of her crush.

matter that she got herself so confused about her parents.

Her teacher left out a sigh. She patted her student's head, out of the blue, she felt like she pity Vestra. "They went on those trips not to get rid of you and leave you her honey, they have to work there for a while."