Chapter 138: enjoyed the day

As soon as he saw the last message of his friend and soon to be boss, he closed all the tabs he opened on his phone and put it back in his pocket. He could not disagree on what Arvin had just said, he was really exhausted. But the thought of him getting the chance to pick the figurines for Arvin's soon to be collection slapped his exhaustion and got it away from him.

He was so busy thinking about the figurines that he forgot about what happened in front of the bus.

"Clang!" A soft illuminated sound notification caught Tal's attention. He did not think that his phone would also vibrate, this had caused him to be startled. 

"Alright, everything's set you may now go. Sorry I wasted some of your time having random chats. I'm really talkative, Reva by the way" the woman said as she extended her left hand and gestured a handshake to Talin. She wanted to formally introduce herself.