Teasing Lei

"Will you do it? Will you join me? Will you forge weapons for us?" Lei said in a gentle tone. He knew he needed her weapons. But she seemed funny, as Yitian said.

From the interaction, he saw she was more like a mama to his boys. They were infatuated with her. Or, it could be that for Yitian, it was the first woman that behaved normally towards him.

"Yes, I will," she answered. His heart made one more thump than was necessary. Wow, that sounded more like an answer to a marriage proposal.

He heard her quiet shriek and became slightly worried about her. Boys around him forgot about what dropped from Basilisk and came to horde around him and listen to their conversation. To be honest, he forgot about the game too.

"What happened?" Chao quickly asked, worried.

"What's happening?" Lei asked too, and Chao got up from his chair together with Yitian and stood behind Lei.

"Oh, someone is still chatting huh…" Chao chuckled and Lei quickly covered his microphone, so that she wouldn't hear much, even when she said she can't speak Cantonese.

"Ehm, nothing. But I gotta go soon. I'm catching a flight today. I'm leaving for two weeks," she said. It was something that Chao feared. Everyone made a sound of awe. But not him.

'She wanted to run with the recipe?' He snatched the headset from Lei and put them on themselves, ignoring the killing gaze from both Yitian and Lei.

"You are abandoning us?" Chao yelled out a bit too much, making Yitian wince. He had to have a real talk with Chao. He was suspecting her for sure. That tone was too cheerful for him, he wasn't like this normally.

"Noooo, nooo, don't leave us!" Yitian screamed into Chao's ear. That was enough. Lei lightly slapped Chao twice, but only over his back and lightly. Stealing back his headset.

Just in time to hear a soft, warm, and calming laugh. He couldn't help but smile, too. Everyone stared at him.

"I will deal with her…!" he said threateningly.

"Sorry about that. I think you were too nice to them. Both..." he said, still looking at Chao. After a few seconds, when she didn't say a thing, she laughed out loud. It was so heartfelt and contagious that he had a problem not laughing too.

Why was Lei making this face? Chao blinked, looking at Yitian. Was he the only one not understanding this all? Was he overreacting with his suspicion? By the look Yitian gave him, it looked like he was right in his thoughts.

"No problem. Well. I have to go. I'm leaving in... hell, three hours." Lei gasped and sighed. He forgot that she had her own life and a different time. He was just pissed at Chao, who woke him up at five. That's why he dumped Yitian on her. He knew it would piss him off.

She just said that it's okay, that she is used to sleeping a little. Well, good. At least she won't be dead tired.

"Oh. Good. Not good. But good. Can I know where you are going?" Lei mumbled, and Chao smirked.

What was wrong with him? Since that laugh, he could get his thoughts back together. He was mumbling like an idiot. Lei had to compose himself, but it was not working.

"I think I should give you a course on how to behave towards girls," Chao said to Lei.

"Oh, I could do that!" Yixing yelled, raising his hand. Both of them chuckled, but when Chao turned back to Yitian, he saw a pissed face.

"Yeah, sure, closer to you guys. I'm leaving for Hong Kong today. Eighteen hours travel ahead of me." The girl said, stunning everyone. She was coming to them?

Lei couldn't think straight. Maybe he could see her. Then he would know not to get interested in her. But it was already too late for that.

"Brother, she is coming to you, you met your fated one..." Chao couldn't hold back his teasing.

"Stop teasing him! Are you pissed that you can't have her?" Yitian yelled back.

If his eyes could kill, none of his team would have been spared.

How could he be interested in someone he heard twice and never saw? Sure, she had a pleasant voice, but still... The image of her whispering to him appeared in his mind and to his surprise, he wasn't annoyed with her like with other women. Maybe because she was a skillful player and useful to him.

"Okay, guys, I need to go right now. So you can continue arguing without me." There was silence when she said that. They all forgot about her completely. No wonder she was pissed. Not being able to understand...

"Just, bye-bye. I'll be back in two weeks," she said and disconnected the voice chat.

He was so lost in his thoughts and listening to her voice that he missed her going off. And Yitian's fast retreat to his computer.

[Group]SIG: com emeetuswe are in HK

[Group]Blacklily: If I have time. Now, I need my three hours. Good night... day for you.

She logged out before he could send the message he wrote.

[Group]Thunder: We would love you to come and meet us.

We. Us. He meant himself. But it was a good thing for him he won't see her for at least two weeks. He had to put himself together. Because not even he knew what the heck was happening with him?

'It was only because she can forge amazing weapons and help them win. There was nothing else to it. Only her usefulness. Not her voice with the cute accent. Only her forging skills. Sure. Forging skills,' Lei thought and knew he was doomed.

He smashed down the headset and walked up the stairs, retreating to his own room and office. Otherwise, he would kill his own brother. Because Lei knew Chao was right. He did not know how to behave towards someone he was interested in.

He turned his laptop on in his room and searched for answers to questions he never knew he would ask. How to date...?