
"Why is an outsider in your playing room?" Lei's voice thundered through the room. The silence was even worse.

"She is not an outsider. She is our new weaponsmith," Lili was quiet when Yitian said that.

'You could probably say it like that,' she thought, smirking inside her head. Yitian bent over to whisper in her ear.

"You said you look like a 50-year-old and 200-kilos cow. Yet you are such a beauty." Lili turned and looked up at Yitian.

"Shut up and don't say it's me. I want to know what he has to say," she whispered back, wanting to know what Lei thought about her. And what was his character like? Yeah... she was interested in him and she knew it.

"We already have two weaponsmiths. Yang Shan and Blacklily. Did your hormones clouded brains forget that Blacklily is an excellent weaponsmith and we don't need any other?! You little brats are able to exchange a skillful player just to have beauty in your team?" Lili wanted to laugh out loud. She was happy that he thought she was beautiful and he rejected her, for her. So funny.

"But Lei..." One of the guys behind her said. But was immediately cut off by the coming-in guy.

"Don't 'Lei' him..." said the guy that entered with Lei, and Lili noticed it was the other one being there with Yitian the last day. There was a striking similarity between the two of them.

A flood of Cantonese followed, which was up for her. She wanted to know what they talked about. Them speaking in Cantonese cut off part of the fun for her.

"Can you at least speak about me in English?" She burst out, talking behind her back to her face in an unfamiliar language, so rude.

"Yeah, Lei. You know her. She is..." Yitian started but was cut off by Lei again.

"Of course, I know her. Like I would forget someone having her face in my crotch." The corners of Lei's mouth were twitching when saying that, and Lili reddened at the memory of it.

"Can you let us explain?" Yitian's face was desperate. But to her, this situation was hilarious. She had to hold back her laugh a lot.

"No. I know all of your excuses already. 'She is just my sister' or 'but mom came today from far away' or your most favorite, as if you were girls 'but it was on sale'." Lei impersonated them quite funnily. Lili bent over to talk to the nearest guy, which happened to be the one lending her his account. She recalled Yitian calling him Shanshan or something like that.

"Can I have some popcorn? This is better than the last movie I've watched at the cinema," she whispered, and let out a little giggle. But Yang Shan looked so serious. She couldn't help but continue.

"Have more fun. It's not like you are the ones wrong and since I'm me, nothing bad can happen. I won't refuse to be your smith just because of this. More like the opposite. I'm all for fun." She flashed him a bright smile.

Shanshan was stunned and had only one thought in his mind: 'Lili was crazy.'

Her phone was ringing. It was the theme song for SoL by a famous rock band. She blushed a bit when everybody became quiet, and looked at her, then took her phone out. It was Lucy.

Lili excused herself and went in the direction of the doors. She brushed past Lei and accepted the phone call when exiting the doors.

"Mm. Czech," Lili said in her mother-tongue, because she didn't want them to listen to her call, so she suggested their native language. So the following conversation was all said in the Czech language.

"Okay, where are you? Somewhere where they know English?" Lucy asked, half laughing.

"Mmm. Dragon's gaming house. You've finished your shopping spree?" Lili whispered, covering her mouth.

"Sure. Hey, I'm going to pick you up. Go outside of the compound and wait for me," she said and played with her hair.

"Okay," Lili said and thought of how to solve this situation. When her thoughts' flow was disrupted by the mocking voice of Lucy.

"So, if you are there, even if I do not know why, should I assume that you have touched more of that guy, right?"

'Yeah, yeah, have fun while you still can,' she thought. Next time, if Lucy does something embarrassing, she would be the one to laugh.

"Shut up, you little demon!" she said, and when she was hanging up, she heard Lucy's laugh.

'Ugh, annoying. I haven't touched him today at all,' she whined in her head, thinking about Lei's muscular body.

She was lost in her thoughts when she pulled the door open and walked through it, looking down. And she slammed into the firm body. Looking up, she saw it was Lei. He smelled good, fresh with a hint of sweet fragrance. A nice cologne that fit him perfectly.

And for once, Lili was really glad that she was using the setting spray on her face. Otherwise, this poor guy's white shirt would have been messed up. She took a little step back. When Lei's voice full of laughter pierced the silence.

"You just can't help it and touch me, huh?" Lili was probably less shocked than everyone in the room. Because the silence in the room became heavier all of a sudden.

"I'm sorry," she said. He bowed her head. It wasn't a good idea to bow fully in front of him.

"Well, I gotta go. My friend is probably here." She wanted to flee away. She bowed her head to the other and said bye. But she couldn't help herself to say one more thing before running out of the door.

"Do you know this saying? If two people share an affinity, they will meet even if they're a thousand miles apart." Lili turned to Lei and, facing him, smiled and then fled away.

"But if they do not, they will not know each other even if they're opposite each other," she whispered the second part of the saying to herself when she was outside.

Lili once read this in a Chinese novel and she fell in love with these words. Because she thought that fate could be pretty volatile.

She walked through the compound gate when she heard quick steps behind her. She looked behind her to see who it was. Lei and Yitian.

'They came after me, huh?' Lili smiled inside.

"Wait, Blacklily, can you wait?" They came to her and Yitian looked a bit pensive, then he asked a stupid question.

"Wait, you aren't black. Why are you not black?!" Both Lili and Lei looked at Yitian as if he grew a second head.

'What the heck is that question?' Lei thought and looked horrified at Yitian. He used to be such a smart child. Did his brother corrupt him?

"Never mind him. He didn't mean it like that," Lei said and turned back to Lili.

"Do you have WeChat?" Lili blushed at that question. Sure, she had, because she always read about it and they used it with Lucy to chat.

She took out her phone and opened the second space on her phone. The first one was for the public and for her work. The second space on her phone was her secret inner nerd girl. Her screen background was a singer from the k-pop band ATEEZ. She quickly opened the app and showed him her QR code. He scanned it and added her. Thankfully, Lili had a few Chinese friends that thought her how to use it.

"Good, now we will keep in touch. And sorry for the before. I know it's no excuse, but these brats are hard to manage sometimes." Lei apologized to her and bowed his head slightly. Yitian looked like struck by lightning.

"Lei, you..." Yitian's mouth was hanging open, but Lei fried him with a fiery gaze.

Lili couldn't help herself but laugh. And when she laughed, Lei smiled with that brutally alluring smile of his. She was so enchanted by it that she hadn't even noticed that Lucy came by in a rented car. Lucy got out and stood beside Lili.

"Oh, if you told me that you are going to have ménage à trois, I would take some more time," she said in Czech, and now it was time for Lili to smack Lucy's shoulder.

"See, she is bullying me. Don't fall for her innocent facade. She is a devil inside." Lucy continued in English, and Lili felt like dying. She was dying inside.

"I think we need to go or I will burst into tears because of embarrassment," Lili said and Lei nodded and comfortingly patted her shoulder.

'I know that feeling, flee away,' was the message of that patting. They said bye to each other, and she dragged away, still chatting with Lucy. When they arrived at the hotel half an hour later, she got a message.

"Hope you arrived safely. I'm sorry for yelling at you today. Have a good night." It was Jin Lei. He messaged her the second she got into the hotel.

"No problem. I get it. Have a good night too," she replied, reminding herself to not smile at the phone like an idiot.

Lili thought for a moment, then she sent another message and went to shower and sleep. Sweet dreams...