Visiting successful?

"You look beautiful. Stop fidgeting. He will love you as much as I do." Lei turned to her for a brief moment and then he turned back to watch the cars before him. His driving skills were so nice. She wasn't dizzy or anything. Lili was afraid a bit, with her motion sickness, but his driving skills surprised her.

"Don't worry. He loves weird things." Chao stuck his head between their seats. He was banished to sit in the back seats. And was constantly whining, that she wasn't tall enough to sit in the front. Pff. Like she would sit in the back and puke all over this expensive BMW.

"So that's why he loves you? Otherwise, I have no idea why he would want a son like you." I stung his pride. He fumed and sat back again.

"You two are impossible. I thought that Chao wouldn't meet anyone who was on the same level. But I now actually know why you are friends with Lucy. She was right. You are a devil in an angelic disguise." Lili smiled innocently.

"Don't ever talk to me about that old witch. She is impossible to defeat." Chao whined again. But Lili had to say that it helped her relax. She wasn't as nervous as before. And by the time they arrived in front of the big house owned by Leilei's father, she was okay with anything that would happen.

Leilei had her by his side, wherever he was walking. He even tried it through the doors. They were big, but he had no chance and let her go first. The housekeeper showed them to the house and told them something in Cantonese.

"Omg. Leilei. Does your father know English?" Lili just realized that when both brothers know English didn't have to mean that father knows too. He doesn't have to do business with foreigners or he can use an interpreter like Lucy.

"Take it easy. Breath." He stopped her and turned her around to face him. Lei bent over to be face to face with her.

"Don't be so nervous. It will be okay. Just talk slowly. He will understand and if not, he will ask. Take it easy." Lili was close to hyperventilating. She did not know what was happening to her. Usually, she handled stress well. But for some reason, she cared about the outcome.

Lei led the way to the dining room. There was already a man sitting by a big round table with four chairs close together directly in front of the door. When he saw them coming, he stood up and walked to her.

At that moment, Lili knew why Lei was so handsome. He took after his father. His father had the same face, only older, with more wrinkles, lips, and nose smaller, which were more similar to Chao's.

That showed that Lei's nose and mouth were inherited from his mother, and Chao's eyes were from her, too. Jin Weiwu's black hair had a slight silver tinge. But they were really similar, all three of them, just with a few slight changes.

"Hello. I'm Jin Weiwu." Lei's father extended his hand to shake with her.

"Hello, I'm Lili Park. I have a little thing from my country." She gave him the wine but was shaking badly.

"Thank you. Easy. No worries. I won't bite." Jin Weiwu said and patted her hands. Lei chuckled, and Chao was already seated at the table. So disrespectful. Jin Weiwu let her go and walked to Chao. And smacked his head. Then he said something in Cantonese to him.

"What did he say?" Lili asked Lei because a bunch of Cantonese followed.

"He called him glutton. He told him that without greeting his parents, he won't eat. Chao said that he would go to the kitchen to get Mrs. Li and take something from there. Father said if Chao won't be respectful, he won't get any allowance. Chao said he gets pay from me. And father said he is our sponsor so he can have a word with me." Lili smiled. Normal family. Nothing high class. That calmed her down a lot. Their father was kind to her from the beginning. It looks like she had nothing to worry about.

"Have a seat." Lei's father gestured to the two remaining chairs, and Lei helped her get there.

"Do you know how to use chopsticks or should I send for a fork?" Lei's father was so considerate. He wanted her to be comfortable.

"No. It's okay. I can use them." She smiled at him and saw the shock on his face.

"I get why my son likes you." Lili blushed a bit, not used to being complimented by strangers. But could she consider him not as a stranger, but as a family? A family friend?

"I'm sorry, Mister Jin. What should I call you?" Lili could say that she had no idea how the Chinese could work this out. So many honorifics and ways to call a person.

"Just call him suk suk," Chao said and had some water. But almost at the same time, Lei's father said: "Call me lou je." Which made Chao spit the drink on the table.

"Hao. I will. Thank you, Jin lou je." I had no other choice than to smile sweetly. Then I leaned on the side. And whispered to Lei.

"What does it mean?" He laughed aloud and startled everybody around the table. He leaned toward me and whispered in my ear. "It means father-in-law from husband's side." Lili choked.

"How do you mean it?"

"He hopes to be your father-in-law." Lei smiled at her horrified expression.

"Would it be so bad to marry me?" He pretended to be sad, and Lili knew that.

"You know that is not it. But how would we... Omg? I can't even think how much paperwork and bother it will be. And we don't even know each other for that long!" Her brain started to overheat due to thinking too much.

'Where the heck is even the consulate in Prague? Or Czech consulate in Hong Kong. Is there even one? I know him for only a few months! Where would we live?…' Lili made herself stop the thoughts' flow and her stomach rumbled. Everyone laughed.

"Looks like we should start eating." Lei's father gestured toward the maid and she immediately started to bring loads of food.

"Anybody else is coming?" she asked, and they all shook their heads.

"Then why is there so much food?" Lili was shocked by the amount. It was for like ten people at least.

"We have a feast for the celebration. I have a daughter-in-law." Lili could only smile and thank him. Why are things progressing so much? So fast? Oh my god, they are together only for like a few months. Why talk about a wedding?

They ate while conversing. Lei's father even made some toast for her, and she did the same to him. He asked her a bunch of questions, and she patiently answered.

Jin Weiwu was a bit perplexed by her understanding of life. She was carefree, but responsible at the same time. She knew how to be calm but managed to get easily excited by simple things.

She smiled with the warmest smile, appreciating life. Cherishing everything she had. And when he listened to her, he could easily think she was older. Her soul was experienced.

The cute moment was when she tried to take a piece of meat and put it in Lei's bowl, but she dropped it. She started to laugh so much that her tears flowed out.

And Jin Weiwu knew why his son fell in love with a foreign girl. Lili was special. And she reminded him of Lei's and Chao's mother so much.

"If you don't marry her soon, I will disown you," he said to Lei and smiled at Lili. She choked on the food and started to cough.

"Why hurry so much? We haven't known each other for long…" she said and Weiwu smiled.

"That's why… I'm afraid you would run away from him. So, he needs to bind you to him." Weiwu tasted the wine she bought. It was sweet, savory. Full of sun and life. It looks like in that country she is from only the best things growing up.

"See, I told you he would like you. Because you are weird and he loves weird," Chao simply stated and continued eating.

"Thank you, Jin lou je. But he is the one who would run away." She smiled and toasted him.

"I expect grandchildren soon then." Lili's mouth fell open and Lei had to close it. He gently picked up her chin and had such a great time. His father was helping him.

Lili turned around at Lei and looked lost. But then she smiled, obviously recovered from the shock.

"Looks like I was worried for nothing. I think I watched too much of your TV series where all the rich parents were against the relationship. It's nothing like that." Weiwu laughed.

"I would be against the relationship if you were with him only for money. But you are not like that. Do you know how rich he is?" he asked, and Lili clicked one thing. She did not know and never even thought about it. She just knew he wasn't poor at all, so she did not care.

"I do not know," she said, proud of herself. She loved him for his personality and honestly his appearance. Because she even forgot to ask about his living.

"You live with him, right?" She nodded.

"You saw the villa?" he asked again, and Lili nodded again.

"He could buy ten of them and still be rich." She looked shocked again, turning to Lei.

"How?" Lili couldn't say anything else. Lei blushed a bit.

"Father's company was successful from the beginning, and I got a lot of pocket money. And you know how good I'm with numbers and business. So, I invested and had luck."

"I'm too poor for you to be with me." Lili faked crying but laughed at the same time.

"But now you know that he can take care of you and my grandchild." Weiwu looked pleased. And Lili knew she was accepted into the family. Because the rest of the dinner went very well. Lei's father talked about where to have a wedding and about meeting her parents and many more things with Chao and Lei.

It looked like she hadn't been proposed to yet, but she was supposed to have a child already. Was it a successful dinner...?