
"This is delicious," Lili mumbled with a mouth full of steak. She had to say that Dylan was definitely a foodie.

"It is. Good, you like it. I will get a bonus." Dylan laughed, and she rolled her eyes.

"Haha, sure. Hey, mind if I ask a personal and invading question?"

"Go on." Dylan made a gesture towards her.

"Why are you the secretary of this team?" Lili asked, and he laughed, quite bitterly if she could say.

"It's not like being a secretary for real. It's more like I'm helping CEO Jin to run the team. I love playing games. I love playing with a computer. Don't tell anyone, but I used to be an outstanding white hat hacker. But when I started gaming, there was no concept of teams, no trainers to help you manage your body." Lili nodded and he continued.

"I played too much to be better. With no exercise. And I damaged my hands." He straightened them between them, and Lili noticed they were shaking a lot, but only if you watch intensively.

"I'm not allowed to do fast work with them. I can't code or play professionally. But I still want to help somebody achieve my dream and win the championship." Wow! Lili was stunned, he was really selfless.

"You are a pretty nice and kind guy…" Lili said and continued eating, thinking more about herself and her own life.

"Please don't fall in love with me. Loubaan would kill me." She laughed and wanted to throw something at him.

"Don't worry. To my surprise, Leilei is too perfect for me. It's like he had left no space for anybody else in my heart. I'm too busy to admire him to look at someone else," she said with all the seriousness she had left today.

They were eating with a light conversation between them. It took them a while to finish the food. Then Dylan looked at the watch and said it was time to send them the new weapons and that it was time to go. They took a taxi to be faster at home.

"Go online. We are on the way. She will send it shortly." Lili loved how they started using English, even when talking to each other so she could understand. It was probably Leilei's idea. And she was into it. Nothing was more annoying than not knowing what others were talking about.

Lili's phone chimed. She looked at it and saw the authorization to log into the game.

"Are they connecting to my account?" she asked Dylan, and he asked the same question. He was probably asking Chao. And they all knew her password. She told them. Sometimes Lili was too busy with Leilei, so they had to help themselves do some things.

"No. It's not them. Delete it." Lili clicked the ban button many times. But the app didn't react and then the approval message disappeared.

"Fuck. They got in." Who would want her account? Many people because of the equipment she made...

"We need to get quickly to the PC. I'll help you trace them," said Dylan and she looked at his hands.

"But… will it be okay?" Dylan smiled.

"No problem. I still can take it once in a while. But you have to beg for a break tomorrow for me. It will be painful." Lili quickly nodded and almost ran out of the taxi while he was still breaking.

Dylan paid for it, and she rushed to the guest house. It took a while to start the game. Both of them quickly worked. Lili was reading all the emails. Resetting passwords while logging in at the same time. And Dylan was trying to track the IP.

"It was professional. The IP and VP are fake. It will take me a while to track them they used many VPNs. So, I hope they will still be online." Lili just nodded and finally, she got into her account when her watch rang. Chao.

"Why are you selling it in the market? What happened?" he exclaimed.

"Quickly buy it!" she yelled. Getting into the market. Deals. Fuck, one was bought. Lili looked at the buyer. MoSHU. Yes.

The second one. She tapped the staff's tab. No one bought it yet. Yes. Lili quickly opened her business tab and saw the worst thing ever to happen.

"Kurva…" Dylan was unbothered by her Czech curse word and was fast writing codes.

"Czech Republic." He breathed out while turning his wrist and moving his fingers. She turned…

"What?" Lili uttered, confused.

"It was someone from Czechia. I never knew you had enemies there. And so good at hacking." Lili was searching in her memories, but in vain. Who did she offend? She wasn't part of the gaming community in Czechia.

She looked at her profile again. Her whole armor, weapon, and accessories. They were sold.

"Chao… was Hongjie quick enough?" Lili asked, when she remembered Chao was still on the phone.

"No. Someone bought it right before him. What the heck happened, sis-in-law?" Chao answered. Lili looked into her inventory and saw some pretty suitable materials that the hacker did not manage to sell.

"I was hacked. Stolen account. He even sold my god-level staff."

"Fuck." Chao swore and yup, she wouldn't say it better.

"I can try to quickly forge new staff. But I'm not sure I will finish it before finals begin." Lili had tears in her eyes, ready to flow out. She knew it wasn't her fault, but she could have given it to them before. But no, she wanted to eat…. Stupid her.

"Don't cry. Take it easy. It's nothing dire. Just try it and we will see." Lei's calming voice sounded, and she was relieved. Lili took a deep breath. She collected her calmness and started to collect materials again.

Her skills weren't as good as others. She was around 150 lvl while Chao was like 190 lvl, he had bigger chances of better drops. And could collect better-refined iron or steel. Dylan stood up and went upstairs.

"Mmh. I will try my best. No, I will work my ass off. Rest. Don't be nervous. Remember that you are all good enough to win, even without my equipment. You had come so far without it," she said and hung up.

Lili opened the laptop on the side again and saw the countdown to the broadcast. She still had an hour and a half left. They can make any changes before the official game begins.

Dylan came back with her notes in one hand and a soft drink in the other.

"Let's go to work. Tell me what you need. I will help you collect the materials. Don't be anxious." He looked like a white flower that can fade away anytime but showed that he had the resilience of a cactus. Lili nodded and started working.

"Thank you. And I'm sorry I had to use you." Lili said to Dylan, and he looked at her with a charming smile.

"Honestly, I love it. It has been a long time since I felt such a thrill." Dylan grinned at her. Unbelievable. Some people were impossible not to admire.