Forum topic

All of them, Lili, Lei, Dylan, and Chao, ran down to see what was the big problem there. The entire team was standing behind Yitian, who sat at his usual place next to Chao's captain's position.

When boys heard them coming, they turned their heads to them and looked really bad, terrible. The faces were pale, and stern.

"What's going on?" Lei made a way behind Yitian to see the screen, and Lili was right behind him with Chao.

"Just look for yourself," Yitian whispered, and Lili saw the English-written game forum. It was the European one. The one she visited before while looking for materials. There was a big topic name: Traitor.

"Who is that? What's going on?" she asked, having a bad feeling because if it was about some stranger, it wouldn't be a problem at all. Chao put a hand on her shoulder and moved her a bit closer to the screen, so she could read the small letters.

"Liliana Paříková/Blacklily…" he read, and she did not know why the fuck she was mentioned with her actual name.

"The name of the well-known and mysterious weaponsmith of the Asian server. We all know it. We did not know who was behind this legendary nick. Sit down in your chairs guys, because you are going to go for a bumpy ride," Lili read out aloud.

No one was saying anything. The guys on the forum now knew her name. Her real name. Lili was scared shitless. She always valued her privacy. Her voice started to shake when she continued reading.

"We all thought this epic forger was an Asian guy who was only hiding behind a female nick to stand out. But no! This female nick is, in fact, a female player. You may be excited by this news, but hold your horses. You are going to have real anger issues now. Because this lovely and indeed female player is from Europe..." She had to pause for a bit to calm herself down. Somehow she knew where this was going and she didn't like it at all.

"Now you ask, why is she playing on the Asian server? I asked too. My source told me she is a traitor to our race. This female just got engaged to a fucking Chinese sushi. That's why she sold her weapons to them. She is a fucking gold-digger who snatched away the known Chinese boss of a gaming company." Lili couldn't take it anymore. She stopped reading and fell down into the chair.

Her legs just gave way. Lei quickly caught her and kneeled beside her. He was caressing her back and looking at Yitian.

"Did you report it?" Lei's voice was harsh, cold, and sharp. It helped Lili to clear her mind a bit.

'No crying. You are the strong one,' she thought to herself.

"Yeah, immediately, but they said it needs some time to remove it. After we did it, it got worse. See…" Yitian said, snatched the mouse from Lili's hand, and scrolled down a bit. Dylan bent over to read it.

"This b*tch I know her. Guys, I have sad words cuz that yellow panda snatched away a good p*ssy," he read out loud, disgusted, and Chao scrolled down a bit more.

There was a big picture. Lili's. From the Halloween party at her university. She had red contact lenses, two little horns made from latex on top of her forehead, with a scarred upside-down cross with some blood.

Red lips, the pentagram in her cleavage, bloody red bra, black glistening see-through cardigan, and high waist black jeans with black 'fuck-me' high heels. Lucy was next to her with a similar outfit, but hers was white and she had a halo and white wings and a skirt.

It was the first time and the last time Lili ever walked out like that, and she did only because it was Lucy's idea. She did not want her to be alone in that.

Lili was really embarrassed, and she had to say to herself that she was in a bikini. Otherwise, she would be as red as her bra in that photo. She never knew they took a picture of her. And posted it somewhere. Now Lili really wanted to cry.

"Take it down immediately! I don't care how. Hack it, report it, I don't fucking care!" Lei was holding Lili's hand, shouting. He wasn't even looking at her.

He was looking at the team and yelled those sentences with a pissed voice. She felt the intention to kill from it.

"I'm sorry," she whispered to Lei. Then she looked at all the faces she started liking since she came here for the first time.

"I only make trouble. I'm sorry." She stood up and made a ninety degrees angle bow. Lei was quick to help her stand up. No one could overlook the swelling tears in her eyes. So they tried to cheer her up. All at the same time with random sentences.

"We like it."

"More thrill for us."

"Don't bow!"

"Boss loves you, we love you too."

Yitian stood up before her. And she looked up at him. His eyes were gentle and somehow moved.

"You may be the same age as us, and from a different country. But you are our family. You care for us. We care for you. We will find this jerk and punish him. Whoever posted it," he said.

Lili nodded and couldn't hold it in anymore. She started to cry about how moved she was.

"I'm so sorry," she said in between the sobs, and Lei quickly pulled her into his hug and stroked her hair.

"I'm here for you. Don't worry about anything. I will take care of you. I will do whatever I can to keep you safe. You don't have to worry about anything," he slowly whispered in her ear.

The problem was that she did not care about herself. She felt bad for them. For the team and its image.

"It's not about me. It's damaging your image. Your whole team. They are racists to you. I hate it. I don't care what they say about me. But they are rude to you!" When she said that, her sadness slowly burned to anger. At the end of the sentence, she was grinding her teeth.

"That's you, we know." Lei smiled and patted her head again. Lili exercised her wrists and fingers a little bit, then she sat down on Chao's chair.

"Let's get these bastards," she said as she opened the forum and reported the whole topic once again. The more reports there are, the sooner it would get taken down.

But her phone started vibrating again as if someone was calling her without a break. She didn't even look at it yet when Chao snatched it away and Yitian said fuck loudly.