
Lili noticed Lei excused himself and followed him with her eyes. She knew enough about him that it was a very important call. And the only thing that was more important than this event now was his family.

"I'm sorry, Mimi. Excuse me, but can I go speak to Lei? As we said, my friend is in the hospital and I'm worried that the call is about him," Lili interrupted their conversation. But Instead of only nodding, Mimi caught her hand and dragged her towards their men.

"Go, go!" she pushed her toward Lei, making Lili almost fall with the force. Thankfully, she landed on Lei.

"Didn't I tell you to behave? You promised me that if I take you with me you won't make trouble," Yusi said as he hugged Mimi and pulled her closer. She was really fortunate that those two were something different from the usual party members.

"Do you think they are going to be friends, burden, or foes?" Mimi looked at the pair that seemed really concerned over the phone. And then at her soon-to-be husband.

"We will see. Sooner than you think," he smiled, looked around, and secretively stole a kiss from her. He then put the glass on the table and walked to the stage in the front.

As he climbed the stairs, he was closely watching Jin Lei, but they didn't care what he was doing. They kept talking over the phone. Just as he grabbed the microphone he saw, Mrs. Park raised her head and nodded at him. Then they walked away. Without looking behind them.

"What do you mean?... We will be there immediately," Lei said and grabbed Lili's hand and dragged her from the room, not caring about anything else.

"Who was it?" she asked, concerned, stumbling behind Lei, because he walked too fast for her in stilettos. Lei noticed it and turned around and scooped her into a princess hug.

Lili gasped and looked around. Thank god, nobody was watching them, only a few closest people raised their eyebrows at their behavior. But Lei didn't care. He had to be fast.

"Doctor Bai. He said that Yitian woke up." Lili put her hand over her mouth and released a relieved breath. She was quiet when she heard the murmur.

"Oh, and by the way. Who was Mrs. Zhong? He was a director of what company?" she asked, curious. Lei frowned. He wasn't sure about it. But he heard some whispers that director Zhong came.

"I don't know. We didn't exchange name cards and didn't talk about business. But he was the only person I didn't know the face of. And when he said his surname is Zhong, I somehow figured he was the director everyone was talking about…" Lili's brows raised.

"Then why did you tap on my waist?" she asked, confused.

"Oh, did I? I might have a shaky hand. I was furious seeing all the men drooling over you. I was so jealous he was talking with you when I wasn't there that I wanted to punch him." Lili laughed aloud when Lei finally put her in the car, waiting for them, and took the coats from the porter. And got in too.

Lili pulled out her phone from the seat. She had to leave it there because her purse was too small for her to carry the phone in it and she searched for the people she met.

After a quick search, her mouth opened. How stunned she was. Yeah, she found out that Gong Mimi was a famous Chinese patissier that studied in Europe and whose sweet shops were so hard to reserve that people called in for desserts a year earlier. But it was the man who made her speechless.

When Lei saw her, he gently tucked her chin and forced her to close her mouth. She stared at him with her eyes wide.

"What happened?" he asked, quite concerned about her mental health.

"Do you know who he was? The guy I had fun being sarcastic to in Japanese? The director Zhong, as everyone called him?" Lei shook his head, and she only turned her phone to show him the Wikipedia page. And when read it, he was as surprised as her.

"He is THE Japanese hardware engineer? The one famous for getting his father's dying company on the top again and with whom everyone in the computer industry wishes to cooperate?" Lei exclaimed. He was simply too shocked to keep up with who they just met and accidentally befriended.

But they had so many problems on their own that they both didn't care once they came to the hospital. Lili looked at her attire and put on Lei's coat again, tying the belt around her waist. The red skirt could be seen, but it was better than before.

They walked together to the respective floor where Yitian's room was located and when they arrived at the elevator, Lili was taken aback by who they met there.

It was Lei's father. With a bouquet and some fruits. He held the elevator for them and raised his eyebrows.

"What are you doing here? The party already ended?" he asked and Lei frowned.

"No, but I don't care," he answered truthfully. His father only chuckled and waited for the elevator to arrive. When it did, he followed Lei and Lili, because he forgot which room little Tian was in.

"Everything okay?" Lei asked the bodyguard by the door, who nodded and told them that only team members and doctors entered the room.

Lei nodded and slowly slid the door open. But he came to a surprising founding.

His brother was in a bed, sound asleep. But he was together with Yitian, sleeping by his side, his mouth still pressed onto Yitian's hand, holding it tight.

"Why is my son in bed with him? And why is he kissing his hand?" Jin Weiwu asked, his voice ice cold, and Lili shivered. Time for the fight.