
Be careful if you are triggered by abuse, skip this chapter :) Even though I toned it down, so it would follow WN's rules. She wasn't raped but touched and watched... Just for clarification...


"What do you mean they can't do anything more?!" Lei shouted, pissed as much as he knew. He was frantically walking around the room in the police station.

"Well, they said they are conducting searches. And asked for help, but before they got new clues, they couldn't do more," Lucy said, her voice tired. She wanted Lili to be found, maybe even more than Lei.

"Do they want me to fucking pay for private investigators? To make this whole hell? How incompetent they can be?!" Lei was shouting. The more he shouted, the less someone listened to him.

Lucy winced. She knew what he meant by hell. Especially with Lili as his fiancée, as she had a special status for him and his family. And his family had a special status everywhere.

"I'm more scared for her health… I hope the baby will be okay…" Lucy muttered and then pressed her hand over her mouth. Lei was staring at her.

Yup, this wasn't a good time. He should be told he was going to be a father. Lucy gave herself a mental slap, and Lei was slowly waking up from the initial shock.

Lili was pregnant? Was that the message she tried to tell him when he was busy? Was he becoming like his father? Working instead of taking care of his family? Lei never wanted to become like that.

Of course, he knew it would be hard to date someone like Lili. She was free as the wind and loved to live her own way. She was not bound by work though, so Lei always hoped she would move to Hong Kong with him, and when Lili agreed to it... Lei was so happy that everything was sorted out. He thought he would be there for her if she was closer.

But when she needed him the most, he was suddenly busy. Idiot. Lei punched himself into his thigh and desperately looked at Lucy.

"They have to find her. Lucy, please. I can't lose her," he said pleadingly, his voice breaking and tears welled in his eye.

"Don't worry, they will find her…" Lucy said, hugged him, and took out her phone.

There were times when she should use all her connections. And now, the time had just come.


Lili again woke up hungry. But she was glad he wasn't cold. But at the same time, she was cold. Inside. She had definitely lost her baby.

And even though she cried her heart out during the night when Adam couldn't hear her, it wasn't enough.

Lili had no idea whether her instinct or just natural vengeance kicked in, but she wanted to kill Adam. Not just a normal one shot, but long excruciating pain, so he would know what it was to feel this empty inside. Feeling that you were slowly dying.

But she almost couldn't even move. It was only like five days, according to Lili's biological clock. But only one small bowl of rice wasn't enough to keep her strong enough to make him something.

"My love, I'm home…" he came inside her room again. Holding a bag of some sort. Lili wasn't even curious what it was. She just felt disgusted upon seeing him.

"I have a gift for you," Adam said. But when he took out what was in the bag, Lili's stomach just wanted to escape her body. She had the rice just a few minutes ago and she could feel it rising up her throat.

That disgusting fucker bought her erotic lingerie. It was a see-through bra with red lace, and it was obviously custom-made because some of the straps could be hung on her choker. The panties were just three thin… something that almost didn't even cover her… anything. For Lei, she would wear it, but when Adam carefully placed it before her, she just turned aside.

"You won't put it on?" he asked, and Lili swallowed. The wound on her face was still painfully reminding her that nothing good would happen if she were defiant. But before she could say anything, Adam ripped her shirt apart.

"You fucking slut! You don't like it? I will make you wear it!" Adam shouted, grabbed her arms with one hand, and tore away the rest of her shirt.

He tried to rip her bra, but it was too hard for him, so he roughly took it down. Ogling her boobs with a smirk on his face. He obviously wanted to touch her. But at the same time, he wanted to wait and touch her in the lingerie.

Lili was stripped off of her jeans during that first shower, so her only protection between Adam and her was now her panties.

Tears were falling down her cheeks, but she did not dare to resist. Holding back her stomach was hard enough. But when Adam reached for her private parts, Lili couldn't take it anymore.

Lili opened her mouth to shout, but she couldn't hold it back anymore. Her stomach made its way up and Lili puked all over Adam.

They were both staring at each other, not getting what just happened. But the first who woke up was Lili. She immediately backed off and tried to appear as small as she could.

Adam raised his hand to strike her once again, but before he could, the door was slammed open. Men in black uniforms came in shouting many things.

Lili was so scared that she didn't recognize them at first. But later she realized that it was the police. They were there quicker than she thought.

But her brain couldn't get that at that moment at all. They were men. And someone strange. So when the first one reached out to her, she screamed and backed off even more. If she could, she would make herself one with the bed headboard, but the shackles wouldn't let her go further.

Lili was finally free, but at the same time, she wasn't. His hands, his breath, his touch, that fuckers everything would haunt her for a long time.