The Beginning

Satoru was a secretly cautious person, despite the carefree persona he puts on in front of his friends, Satoru does feel a need to think things through when it comes to unusual things.

That's why when he found his brother's bed empty at night he grew suspicious. It had been a cold wind from the open door that woke him, which he assumed was where Madara had gone.

With no effort, he got up from the bed without any subtlety and made his way out of their room. He'd chosen to leave without taking his glasses.

It wasn't that he was too worried for his brother, considering their strength he was more concerned for any third parties.

After roaming the second floor of his house Satoru noticed Madara out on the balcony with a glass of water in his hand.

"And here I hoped you were kidnapped by some secret organization." Satoru faked a sour face before relaxing and placing his intertwined hands behind his back.

Watching his brother take a seat beside him on the balcony, Madara mused, "Hoped? You just want a reason to show off don't you?"

"Ahh, you got me," Satoru called in defeat. "Not like anyone could take you without problems."

"It'd be a foolish notion, yet understandable if they assume our skill level is anything like our age."

"So, what's got you pondering out here? Oh, I know! You're working on some secret gloomy poem in secret." Satoru smiled and patted Madara's back. "Don't worry, your best brother won't tell."

Madara gave a weak smile at his brother's antics.

"If I were doing that I'd be thankful, however, that's not what I'm doing. I had another memory dream and came here to cool off." Madara explained, gazing up at the sky. "But then I remembered something."

"Hmm? What is it?"

"Tomorrow we'll be getting to choose which hero school we want to attend."

"Oh yeah, they did mention something like that. Which means that tomorrow is the day where everything begins." Satoru yawned and stretched his body.

"Exactly, we'll carve our path in this world and show them what we can do," Madara stated and looked at his brother who wore a satisfied smile.

"Let's hope they don't underestimate us too much." Satoru's smile deepened. "Be a shame for everyone to realize how much weaker they are compared to us. Not that I'd mind that."

The two recognized that tomorrow would come out as an essential day. Both were prepared to acknowledge the changes they'd caused and would cause. The fate of this world meant nothing to them, they would choose to live how they want.

That's why…

"We'll aim for the power to change fate itself." Madara closed his eyes thoughtfully.

"Well aren't you determined, brother? But I have to agree." Satoru spoke, showing two thumbs up.

With their declarations made both Madara and Satoru look at each other, ready for what the world had to offer.

"*Ahem!*" All of a sudden the two twisted their heads towards the balcony where their mother stood, half-lidded eyes with a face morphed in annoyance. "You two have school in a couple of hours, go back to sleep."

Not wanting to incur the wrath of the demon, called mother, the two twin brothers silently made their way back to their room.

Satoru collapsed into his bed instantly without much trouble and dozed off within minutes. Madara could never understand how his brother could sleep so casually without any concerns, regardless, Madara managed to find sleep soon after.

Both slept soundly until their alarm went off and it was time to depart for school.


"Did 'ya hear about downtown? A new heroine stole the show!" Kaseki went straight to the topic he had wanted to discuss, rising slightly from the table in excitement.

Izuku quickly swallowed the food he was chewing. "Yeah! I witnessed it with my own two eyes on my way to school, it was so cool! Even Kamui was there,"

He quickly reached into his bag and took out his notebook before turning to a page where a sketch of Mt. Lady was drawn along with some notes.

The news of this caught the attention of Satoru and Madara, who exchanged knowing looks and leaned in with interest as they'd normally do whenever an interesting discussion came up.

"Really? I read an article about her while on the bus." Aki looked at the green-haired boy in surprise. "Though I can't say I'm impressed by most photos taken."

"What do you mean not impressed, did you see those massive mountains," Kaseki retorted and tried to measure the size with his arms. "They were like, this big!"

"That's the problem!" Aki exclaimed with a frown. "Most of her pictures are only of her—"

Before Aki could blow up Kaseki stepped in to mend the situation.

"—I get it, I get it." Kaseki laughed and tried to cool down Aki. "But it's not like I'm surprised about it either, it's just how we roll. Right guys?"

Kaseki drew his gaze to the trio of boys who all had different looks on their faces. Madara held a disapproving gaze, Satoru didn't seem to care and Midoriya just blushed and denied it with a stutter.

"Hah!" Aki said with a triumphant smile, "It's 4 vs. 1. You lose."

"A little support would've been nice…"

Satoru gave a supportive thumbs-up, "Alright, you can do this!"

"Not now!"

As Satoru, Kaseki, and Aki dived into a conversation Madara glanced at Midoriya's notebook that the boy was currently working on. The notes of what was Mt. Lady were written neatly and compactly for ease of reading.

Midoriya noticed his interest in his notes and wondered if Madara wanted to see more.

"Uhm–, if you want I can let you read it," Midoriya suggested, knowing that Madara was like him: a naturally curious person.

Madara seized the opportunity, "Sure," Midoriya handed over his Hero notebook to Madara who gently opened its first page and raised his eyebrow. "You have 27 documented heroes?"

"In just that volume. And not all are heroes, there are some villains and students." Midoriya replied meekly.

It wasn't often he shared his work with others as it felt embarrassing and the fear of judgment kept him from letting others read it. But with Madara, who was impressed by hard work and talent, it served as a relief to be able to share it.

Wanting to see how good Izuku's notes were in person he went to a random page detailing information about the pro-hero 'Backdraft'. A small-time hero with a mutant water-based Quirk called 'Water Pump' that allows the user to emit and control water.

While Madara was immersed in reading he could pick up the sound of a group of people walking toward them. He remained unchanged and waited for their approach.

The group that approached them consisted of a couple of girls who went in the same year as them but in a parallel class.

"Hey, you are Uchiha, right?" One of the girls with a ponytail asked.

"What's it to you?" Madara countered with his gaze remaining on the book.

The other girl awkwardly chuckled, "Not much, just wondered if it was you we saw on youtube."

The girl with the ponytail took out her phone and showed them a video from Madara's karate tournament. It was a clip of his final round against Mashirao which seemed to have garnered a lot of views.

"Yeah that was me," Madara answered factly and turned to the next page in Izuku's notebook.

Feeling that the conversation was dying out one of the girls took initiative, "I came to ask if you are free later. I don't have anything to do after school soo, y-you know, I just wondered if you wanted to hang out or something you know."

To say that the table went silent would be an understatement.

It was so great that it even made Satoru wonder if there was a way to block out the awkwardness. Though he smiled, "Oh, this is going to be great."

Kaseki mentally cheered for his friend and felt jealous of his position but remained quiet.

Even Midoriya, who was inept at socializing, looked uncomfortable.

And Aki frowned at the question the girl was asking but remained passive.

For the first time in their conversation, Madara raised his head from the notebook and looked at the girl who flinched out of nervousness.

With a neutral look that didn't portray any emotion Madara said, "No thanks, I have other things to do today."

The poor girl looked mortified at the denial and tilted her head away from his gaze, "Oh…ah, t-that's too bad, maybe another time then."

"We'll see," Madara replied.

"Okay. S-see you!"

Awkwardly, the girl and her friends scuffled away from their table and back to their own. Satoru had a hard time not chuckling while Aki looked weirdly vexed.

"This is like the fifth time someone approached you about that tournament this week," Aki said, annoyed. "It wouldn't be that bad if most of them weren't girls who would just straight up ask him out."

"Oh~? And why's that?" Satoru asked smugly.

"Not for the reason you're thinking." Aki corrected her statement with actual reasoning. "Most of them just ask him out on a whim without knowing what kind of person he is. Like, what if he was some type of psycho?!"

Kaseki replied, "Then they would find that out later on, big deal."

"Not like they'd get a chance to, Madara is as hard to get as they come." Satoru patted the back of Madara with a phony sympathetic sad look.

Kaseki laughed at the comment and looked at Madara, "Yeah, and what's worse is that you don't even care. If I were you I would have just gone for it, like did you see her curves, super hot."

"Yeah? Well too bad you ain't or maybe you'd have that option." The stoic guy retorted the now disheartened Kaseki.

Kaseki was about to respond when the school bell rang signaling the start of the lecture. The friend group consisting of five quickly finished off what they had left and prepared to leave.

When they finally reached their classroom the friends split to take their assigned seats.

Madara didn't even spare a glance at the 3 boys talking. He and his brother took their respective seats.

Then they noticed that when Izuku went toward his desk, the ash-blond-haired boy glared at him, but remained apathetic.

Just as he passed by the three, one of them tripped him. Izuku fell to the ground with an 'oomph' in front of Bakugo, but quickly got back up and walked to his seat.

"Just when you think a quirkless like you couldn't fall any further." The two goons started laughing.

"Look where you are going, Deku," The ash-blond-haired boy snarled.

Because Bakugo was in a seemingly docile mood, he neglected to throw any actual verbal insults. Satoru guessed it was because today was the day his goal of entering U.A. would reach fruition.

"S-sorry, Kacch- I-I mean Katsuki," Izuku stuttered.

Madara let a smirk slip by. Izuku was finally learning to understand that Bakugo wasn't someone he should even classify as a friend.

It had come with a long talk that they convinced Izuku to drop the 'Kacchan', though using his actual name wasn't that much better. Izuku needed to understand that not all people deserved one's respect.

"Don't act like you're close to me, extra." Bakugo fired metaphorical explosive glares at Izuku.

Yet Izuku still refused to see Bakugo as an enemy.

"Izuku don't bother with that hormonal kid," Satoru called out nonchalantly. Sitting behind his desk tapping his fingers together while looking at their exchange.

*Tsk* Bakugo clicked his tongue at what Satoru said but didn't reply. He likely saw Satoru as someone not worth getting involved with, as any physical altercations would end harmlessly. Without strength, words were all he could rely on, yet those seemed to also never phase the snow-top teen. Satoru was an unstoppable clown in his eyes.

Izuku went over to his desk where he sat down and kept himself from looking at Bakugo, paranoid if the blonde was staring at him or not.

After a minute classmates were starting to roll in through the door filling up the classroom and leaving no desks empty.

The teacher came in last with a bunch of papers in his hand.

He started the lecture by talking about their plans for the future.

"*Psst* Madara!" Satoru whispered and tapped his brother's shoulder.

Madara slowly turned his head to his brother who sat right beside him and waved with an animated smile.

He sighed and asked, "What do you want?"

"Bad case scenario, what happens if we don't come into U.A?" Although his smile didn't fall, his voice visibly toned down.

"We take our losses and go for the support course, we'll likely be able to climb into the hero course from there." Madara explained.

It had been a valid concern that Madara had discovered early on right when they decided to go for the hero course. But instead of fearing what-ifs— Madara researched and asked around, discovering that a transfer from the support course was indeed possible. Though certain criterias had to be met.

"Quiet down in the back, this is important for your future!" The teacher shouted to the two twins talking.

"Where was I again? Oh right, you're all pretty much planning to go into the hero course, right?" He exclaimed with passion, throwing the sheets of paper out in the air.

The whole class roared in excitement as they were showing off their Quirks.

"Yes, yes, you all have wonderful Quirks! But using your powers at school is against the rules!"

"Hey teach," Bakugo stood up with a snarky grin, "Don't lump us all in the same group. I'm not gonna be stuck at the bottom with the rest of these rejects!"

The rest of the class got furious because of his statement and some students tried to call him out only to be bashed by Bakugo's words. He disregarded almost all of their complaints until a certain annoyance decided to speak up.

"Good luck with that. Because to me— you're just as weak as everyone else here. Well, except Madara of course."

The class looked at Satoru who'd suddenly spoken up. The arguing had stopped but the rest of the class felt conflicted as they didn't know if he was defending or insulting them.

"You should shut up like the extra you are!" Bakugo shouted at the white-haired student.

The teacher opened his mouth to say something to prevent a potential fight from breaking out but was interrupted by Madara,


Hearing his name called by the white-haired clown's brother, he turned around and was met with Madara's eyes that bore at him. Bakugo couldn't decipher his expression, but he knew it wasn't a good one.

"What?" Bakugo barked. This was getting good, he might finally get underneath the skin of that damned stoic pain.

Without any change in his expression, Madara spoke, "Weakness of any kind completely revolts me."

Madara heard his classmates call him out, including Aki and Kaseki but ignored them.

"But, a weak person believing they're strong disgusts me even more."

The room went quiet for what felt like minutes when in actuality only seconds passed. The silence of the room was only broken by Bakugo's exclamation.

"Are you trying to start something?"

"Nah, he's just stating facts." Satoru jumped in.

Bakugo clicked his tongue at the statement with ire. His palms started to sweat and pop out of anger. They called him weak! Like those two were anything special!

He pointed back at the teacher and sat down. "You're lucky that this extra is here, else you wouldn't be able to speak anymore."

While Bakugo might have not seen it, Satoru was madly grinning,

"Oh, but didn't you say that all the extras are below you? If he's what's stopping you then doesn't that mean that he has more power over you?" Satoru said with a finger on his chin. Mimicking the look of an innocent child.

In a flash Bakugo stood up with explosions popping from his palms, ready to throw himself at Satoru who remained unaffected by the sudden reaction. His hand twitched while Satoru yawned.

"Katsuki, sit down." The teacher called out. His face was serious and tired like he'd seen this charade a thousand times.

When the classroom was back in order the teacher continued with what he was about to say. After a few moments, he regained his thoughts and continued from where he left off.

"Anyway, Uchiha, Gojo, Midoriya, and Bakugo, you have all expressed your interest in U.A.'s hero course. right?"

This caused the students to begin to murmur amongst themselves at the teacher's reveal. Most of them weren't surprised at the twins or Bakugo aiming high considering their grades and quirks, but what set them off was Midoriya's choice.

"I mean, do they even allow quirkless in the hero course?" One student quietly mumbled to another.

"Can you even pass the exam without a quirk?" Another asked quietly.

Nobody in the class had the guts to voice their opinion regardless of what they thought and kept quiet. They wanted to avoid pissing off two friends of Midoriya. But one didn't get the memo.

"Deku!" In a split second, Bakugo turned around in his seat and slammed his palm on Izuku's desk. "What the hell are you thinking!"

Izuku steeled his muscles and closed his eyes, "I wanna be a hero Katsuki. And whether you like it or not I'm going to be one!"

"*tsk* You and what quirk? Just because you got those extras backing you doesn't mean you'll be able to piggyback off of them!" Bakugo with a sour face narrowed his eyes at the twins who were looking back at him.

"I-I'm not going to use them like that," Izuku's voice cracked. Bakugo noticed it but before he could dive at it, a voice intervened.

"Bakugo, last chance." The teacher called and took out a stack of papers, unlike the papers he'd thrown these were the sheets meant for selecting your future education.

Both Bakugo and Izuku quickly shut up and the teacher proceeded to hand out the papers individually to each student.

Once the two brothers had received them they refused to bat an eye and went straight for U.A. as their top choice. When all was done Madara raised his hand to let the teacher know he was ready to have his paper collected. Though his brother…


He had folded his paper into an airplane and threw it towards the teacher with a happy comic smile. Only for the airplane to crash down into the ground before covering any distance.

"Are you that impatient?" Madara questioned rhetorically.

"It's a part of my charm," Satoru spoke comically with metaphorical sparkles flying off his smile.

Madara sighed and watched Satoru continuously try to throw the badly made makeshift airplane at the teacher until he came close enough to where it hit his forehead when he stood right in front of them.


Satoru was the last to leave class when it ended. It turned out the teacher didn't like Satoru messing around and inciting Bakugo, which caused him to be held back for a little longer after class.

Just as Satoru exited the classroom a voice spoke out, "You like to push people's limits, don't you?"

"Aw, you waited for me!"

"Not like I had a choice, we're supposed to go with Aki to the quirk training center and you booked the tickets."

The two made their way down the corridor towards the exit of the school where Aki waited, having needed to pick up her stuff from her locker.

Aki waited with her phone in hand before noticing the brother duo. She adjusted her backpack strap on her shoulder and jogged toward them.

"Guys have you seen!" Aki fumbled with her phone before turning it to the boys. "All-Might was seen downtown not too long ago!"

'Downtown robber in pursuit by All-Might!'

The picture in the news article displayed a green mass mid-motion taken by some bystander's phone. Followed up were unmistakable pictures and videos of the number one hero rushing into action.

Madara held an unimpressed look, "What did he expect? Stealing in public like that, in our society it rarely works out."

"I dunno brother, if that was the case, he wouldn't have done it." Satoru shrugged. Yet he did agree that the villain was still an idiot for stealing in public. His quirk was too noticeable for that.

"Regardless, he is of no importance. Let's move." Madara motioned to the exit and moved out, bag in hand.

However, just as Aki was about to move she paused, "Wait, where's Midoriya and Kaseki?"

"Kaseki went home, apparently he has family over so he couldn't come. Midoriya had a curfew to meet." Madara told a half-truth. The part about Kaseki was the truth, however, the part about Midoriya was a fabrication.

In reality, they hadn't told Midoriya about them going to the quirk center. If Midoriya was to meet All-Might he needed to be in the right place at the right time. Madara idly wonders if that was why Satoru held them up, to let Mirodiya go on his own without them interrupting the slime villain.

The other two agreed and soon they departed. Satoru interlocked his hands at the back of his neck and moved out last. Behind his glasses, Satoru's expression was one of thoughtfulness.

"Yo, Madara." Satoru called out to his brother who turned to him, "How's sightseeing going?"

"Huh?" Aki raised an eyebrow at Madara. "You go sightseeing?"

Madara rolled his eyes but nodded, "Yes" His gaze then hardened as he looked at his brother, "It's going well."

Satoru nodded wordlessly. Of course, Madara didn't go sightseeing. His question was an innuendo asking if Madara was keeping an eye on Midoriya, which Madara picked up on. Satoru guessed that he'd sent a shadow clone to watch over Midoriya.

Some time passed and soon they reached the quirk training center. Aki was stoked.

"I'm so excited! I mean, how often do we get to use our quirks freely?" Aki questioned.

It came without surprise that most people their age hadn't had much of a chance to freely use their quirk. It was what the government had set down for everyone.

Though there is a law not to jay-walk, yet, people do it continuously to the point where it could occur subconsciously. Despite that proper fact, there were few instances in which anyone was arrested. It was a so-called 'lightweight law'.

It went the same for the usage of quirks— within reason needless to say. But it was that 'within reason' in which most people had to dampen their quirks.

That's why the place they were headed was important. One that lets anyone stretch their quirk without much worry.

Upon reaching the 'Q.T.C(Quirk Training Center)' Satoru haphazardly pushed open both doors which led them in. Approaching the front desk childishly Satoru waved at the worker with the three digital tickets on his phone.

The front desk worker sighed at Satoru's antics, having seen him here more than enough times to get tired of it. He called in a staff worker to help them to their room where he would also go through the rules for the two who didn't know.

The rules were simple, all quirk usage was allowed within the room, and they were to keep destruction minimal and contain their quirks within the marked circle in the middle of the room. No intentional harming towards others or damaging equipment. Outside that, most things were okay.

Satoru had booked quite a large room for the three of them. The ground within the circled area had gravel ground and some stone pillars in the corners. Outside the circle was covered with padding which when lifted revealed different types of equipment.

Satoru clapped his hands together, "Okay, Who should we start with? "

"Let's start with Aki," Madara answered. "She's the one with the least experience of us both."

"Okay, it's decided, Aki. We will start with you because you're the weakest of us both." Satoru said, looking at Aki.

"Oh wow, I'm feeling motivated." Aki spoke sarcastically and sighed. "Well, that's why I'm here. I'm gonna get strong and burn through U.A.'s entrance exam." Aki exclaimed with a cheeky smile.

"..." Satoru paused in surprise, "Huh? You're aiming for U.A.?"

Even Madara was looking at Aki mildly surprised though he quickly covered it up.

"Eh? What's with those looks? Are you that surprised?" Aki questioned in surprise.

In response, Madara shook his head and conveyed a casual stoic remark about it, though that didn't interest Satoru as he thought to himself.

'Did her interest rise from our intervention or was this something natural?' Behind his glasses, Satoru's eyes looked at Aki. 'No, not natural. Aki hasn't held much interest in a hero career until recently. It must've been the tournament…?'

"— I've got a real chance after all. My grades are within U.A.'s standards," Aki ignited her hand and showed it, "all I need is to improve my quirk."

"Which we're here to do." Satoru stepped in and suddenly clapped. "So let's start simple, what exactly is your quirk?"

"Uhm, well… My quirk is called 'Heat Battery'," Holding out her palm she ignited it and manipulated the heat slightly, "I can't explain it well, but it allows me to store up heat and release it, which usually becomes fire."

"And the fire doesn't hurt you?" Madara asked. "What about your fire, can you fuel yourself with it?"

"No, the fire doesn't hurt… and also no, my fire doesn't strangely fuel me."

Madara continued to inquire about her quirk for another five minutes while his brother gathered fireproof equipment. Not much new was learned, it seemed Aki hadn't much experience using her quirk. Considering its volatility Madara wasn't surprised.

When all the equipment was set up they went straight to target practice.

Aki held a handful of heat-turned fire which she aimed at a fireproof dummy standing roughly 14 feet away.

"I'm still unsure if it's a fireball I'm trying to cast or like a flamethrower-esque beam," Aki flexed her palm trying to find a comfortable pose. "I mean, how can we even be sure any of them would work."

"Try whatever you believe will work, we'll move on from that and see." Madara instructed and crossed his arms.

Then Satoru jumped in, "And don't worry about us two, I'm pretty much fire-proof and dear old brother's stone-cold heart will keep him safe." With a grin, Satoru gave her a thumbs up.

"...Okay then, let's try this." She evenly took a couple of deep breaths and cocked her hand forwards as it began to erupt more into flames.

*Flash forward 10 months*

The sun shone brightly in the sky lighting up the U.A. campus. Future hero candidates were pouring in through the gates, directed by signs to where the exams were to take place.

Madara Uchiha, Satoru Gojo, Izuku Midoriya, and Aki Akanabe all stepped foot onto U.A. ground, talking amongst themselves.

"W-whoa! I can't believe I'm actually here!" Izuku said in amazement. Walking side by side with his friends, Izuku's face gazed all around looking at the different buildings.

"And we'll hopefully stay here, assuming we pass." Aki realistically replied. She was feeling quite nervous about the upcoming exam. "I-I mean, I feel confident about the written part, but the practical…"

Aki looked at her hand which burned brightly in accordance with her will.

"Don't worry, if you fail it just means that all that effort you put into training was in vain." Satoru teased.

"That does not make me feel better." Aki frowned, trying to calm her nerves while looking at the huge U.A. campus.

Madara looked at the campus while the Mangekyo Sharingan was forming in his eyes.



Wow, time really flies when you're working. Here is another chapter if anyone is still waiting.

You may look forward to maybe another chapter in the near future ;)