Ω In the woods Ω
* Ω Crunch Ω Crunch Ω Crunch Ω Crunch
I decided to do a little warm-up before trying out my performance to the full.
- Let's start with physical strength!
* Crunch *
I had no problem ripping out the tree with the roots.
- Not bad, man.
- Is this rock necessary?
- I don't know.
- Yeah. Well, destruction!
All that's left of the great cluster of rock is dust...
- You're very strong!
- How strong are the people of this world?
- Much weaker, for I have heard I have been called a terrible monster, unrealistic to defeat alone.
- I see.
" Really? Terrible monster, are people here that weak... All right, let's test the reaction.
- Throw something at me.
- What kind of something?
- A rock.
- Like this?
- Anything, just throw it hard.
- All right, well...
* Shoo *
When I concentrated, it was like time had stopped around me and the stone was just hanging in the air.
" And if I move it.
Nothing, my surroundings didn't change in any way, I couldn't even feel the wind, nothing at all.
"Now that's getting tense. I'm going to try and touch the rock.
* Poke *
I concentrated again, but nothing changed.
" Fuck, this isn't fun anymore.
I sat down in a lotus position and meditated, you learn a lot more than that in the mountains.
# Sigh #
I felt the wind blow. When I opened my eyes, I saw a startled wyvern and a line of broken trees.
- What had happened?
- You stood and instantly sat up, and the stone flew the other way with tremendous force, breaking the trees. What was that?
- Superpower. OK, now speed.
I drew a start line and a finish line at the same time.
- When I shout march, you start counting, and when I'm back at the line, you stop, OK?
- ... Yeah.
"I'm going to try and do a little lap around the forest.
- Ready, set, go!
At that moment, the ground cracked and I ran.
* Boom *
- What the?! Time slowed down again, but my speed... At this moment, I'm running through the city, stop, stop.
Before I could say anything, I went through a wall.
- OK, now I'm running on water. It feels so light.
[138,000 experience gained]
- Hmm, did I kill someone or...? Oh, okay.
§ One second later §
- Oh, crap. We need to slow down.
My speed got slower and slower until I stopped.
- One. What?! You didn't even run, did you?
"How much speed... I even ran across the desert and the ocean.
- I made a little circle around the forest.
- That can't be, can you teleport?
- Sort of. All right, that's enough, now Force (not phisuka!!!!!).
I put my swords under my feet and was able to fly a couple of metres.
"It didn't work in the mountains, no matter how hard I tried!
- Wow, with powers like that you could easily be a hero.
- Hmm, not a bad idea.
" A good chance to get close to the goddesses, and then-.
- Ahh, damn wind, that was close. I'm going to try and launch an Electroball.
There's a little ball of power forming in my palm.
* Shoo *
I launched it into the sky, as it was the safest option.
* Boom *
There was a small explosion in the sky, given the size of the electroball, the result is quite good.
- Well, that's about it. Just as night is falling, we can get some sleep, and then it's off to the guild tomorrow.
- How do you know about the guild?
- You said it was about adventurers...
- ...
Ω. In the lair of the wyvern Ω.
I laid out clothes made of dogskin, though they're stiff, I'm used to it now. But before that, I drew a circle.
- If you cross it, you'll get hit with energy.
- Okay.
And after that, I fell fast asleep.
# POV Sentinels on the wall #
- Oh, Idmir, how are you?
- Yeah, I'm okay, but my wife's been driving me crazy.
- You know, maybe you should go to the bar tonight, get some rest.
- I could, because it's getting kinda...
# Boom #
- Did you hear that? Something's broken...
- Yeah, hang on, I'll be right down.
One of the guards is coming down the stairs fast.
- What is it?
- Fucking hell, the wall's been breached...
- How?! Wasn't there anyone else here?!
- Fuck if I know, I'll go tell the chief.
- Yeah.
# The end of the POV #
# POV sea monster #
- Oh, a bird!
The food-blinded monster began to move closer and closer to the surface, which was a fatal mistake.
- Hehehe, I'll eat now.
- Kaaaaah!
The poor bird caught by the sea monster let out a death scream, but a moment later, the monster's skull was easily pierced by some weirdo's foot.
# The end of the POV #