Chapter 16: Overgrown catfish and ignoring defenses

- Bombshell!I shouted, jumping into the raging, mountain river and was instantly swept downstream.- What a wonderful feeling. Just relaxing. And if I'd stayed on Earth, what would have happened? Would I have met a loved one to spend the rest of my life with, well, or not.... My parents. They're probably dead by now," tears started to come to my eyes, "Bitch, as soon as I level up, I'll kill all the goddesses.The sadness of realizing the death of loved ones hit again.- Time passes, but my thoughts don't change.I stared up at the night sky, full of stars, while my thoughts slowly changed and I slowly calmed down.- I feel like I'm the protagonist of a second-rate fanfic. So what. Gg imba, isekai into an already finished work. There's also a harem missing for the full set.Suddenly I felt my legs start to be sucked on, it immediately alerted me.- Hmmm, now I'm in a mountainous, raging river and something, licking my feet....Lowering my gaze, I saw two large fish eyes, and a wide mouth with tendrils, into which my feet were caught. It was a five-meter catfish that leisurely began to swallow me. I should probably mention that I have a fear of fish, so I unleashed a powerful charge of Force, which tore the fish and all the creatures in the river apart.# After two minutes #I built a small fire and devoured the catfish. It's really good, by the way, crispy crust, juicy meat. It's awesome.- It's like I'm on a camping trip all by myself. Hmm, I've never been camping, except for this one. I should've gotten out more.After finishing the catfish, I lay down on the branch of the tallest tree, where I had a beautiful view of the cloudless sky. The stars were illuminating the surrounding area and I was just enjoying myself when I noticed a lonely old man walking through the forest."Hmm, maybe he should be killed in the story.When I wanted to touch my swords, I remembered that they had broken against the chitinous shells of insects." Shit, goddamn jock ants! I'll have to buy new ones, or make them myself. Hmm, maybe this grandfather will make them.Without getting off the branch, I jumped toward the old man, picking up speed.* Boom *A small crater appeared where I landed, and the old man was gone.* Hmm, ran away or something.I fired a bolt of Force at the ground, trying to find him, which I did. He was behind a tree, about 45 meters away."Quick.- Hey, come out, I saw you, or else I'll unleash a Force charge that will destroy this forest with you!A short old man came out from behind a tree, based on his appearance, I could tell that he looked like an ordinary pensioner from Russia.- Hmm, stop.The old man kept walking, and I wondered what he was going to do, so I watched his further actions.*♪ Boom ♪When there was only 1 meter between us, he swung his fist and punched me in the stomach, making me feel ticklish.- Huh, that tickles.A look of horror appeared on the old man's face, apparently he thought I was an ordinary statistician and decided to kill me. I grabbed him by the neck and raised him to the same level as his face.- You know, being of advanced age doesn't give you the right to hit other people, at least not people who haven't done anything to you.I threatened him with my finger, and then he punched me in the stomach again.- Are you serious?- Why isn't my technique working?!- What equipment?- ...- Answer me or I'll blow your head off.I started to bring my other hand up while the old man's fear grew rapidly, when I touched the top of his head, he immediately screamed:- Aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh, okay okay okay, just let go.- That's fine, but if you try to run away, I'll rip your legs off, got it?- ... Yes.- All right, then start talking.# Memories #On an unknown mountain.A bearded man struck a huge boulder, easily breaking it in two, while his son watched nearby.- Dad, how did you manage to crack that rock, it's huge?The boy had always wondered about it, his father had no trouble breaking anything he wanted, but he never told him how he did it.- Well, I guess I can tell you now. There's a secret technique that's been passed down in our family for generations... Ignoring defenses. The name implies that the blow will penetrate the defenses and cause true damage to the target.- Wow, teach me!- Well, come here," the boy's father placed a small pebble in front of him, "now concentrate and....# End of a memory #- Here.- Hmm, ignoring the defense, yeah..... Teach me!- Do I have a choice?- Uh, no.- 1. Take a direct breath. 2. Look at the target of the strike, and afterward concentrate on the point of impact. 3. Afterward, strike with high speed. That's it.- ... Is that really all of it?- Yeah, can I go now?I sucked in a breath, looked at the old man, focused on his face, and struck with great speed, cleaving the air.* ♪ Boom ♪The old man was blown aside by a gust of wind as I stopped my fist at a distance of 30 centimeters, after which, the air from the punch was rushing forward, destroying the trees ahead." Hmph, there's definitely something to that.I walked over to the pensioner and lifted him off the ground.- Okay, you can go now.Staring at me angrily, he ran toward the mountains, occasionally glancing at me. It looked a little strange.- Ah, time to get back to the story.