Chapter 18: Falling into the Abyss
I stood on the edge of the bridge, looking down at the dark Abyss, and not a very deep one at that, considering I can see the bottom thanks to my super vision.- I want to jump down...A passing group of adventurers looked at me, their faces and gazes expressing regret, surprise, and excitement. Most surprisingly, the last emotion was from a bearded man who was looking at my tanned and pumped up back. As he passed by, he even winked at me." This world... Very strange, I wouldn't be surprised if there's a gachimuchi here, though I didn't notice it in the original. Alright, we need to either buy a house or squeeze....I calmly headed into town with a huge bag on my back, pondering what to buy, a villa or a mansion.# It's been one day #In a huge city, in a huge street, in a huge house, in a huge room, in a huge bed lay a not so huge man.Looking around, I thought:" I had to spend half my money, but it was worth it. 3 floors, 2 baths and a rooftop pool, there are also 3 bedrooms, 2 kitchens, a huge basement with a huge safe in which I put my money for something else. The safe, by the way, can be opened from the 3rd level, but because of the size you need a lot of physical strength, which not everyone has. And if someone does open it, I'll rip his head, arms and legs off.Being on the 3rd floor, I stood up and looked at the panoramic windows, which opened a beautiful view of the busy city.- Not bad.But it could be better," a voice said in my head.# A few weeks ago, on some island #I settled comfortably on the hammock, which swayed slowly and soothingly in the wind, slowly lulling me to sleep."Psst, let's take over the world.A voice very similar to mine sounded in my head, suggesting something strange to me.- What the hell? Are there telepaths here? Or whatever they're called.I started to look around for anything alive, but it was no good, since I'd just missed a huge Force charge in the water."I am you, understand?- Uh, well, let's say I am... You're my second personality or something? A schizo?" Quick thinking, I'm a personality, just like you, only evil... But I'm not SIZA!- ... Uh, okay, you didn't have to yell. Where did you come from?"Uh, call me Kars for starters. Where did I come from? Remember the last time you hit yourself in the head with the Force?- Yeah, I felt something strange then, starting to remember my past, I assumed I had merged the two personalities. Nice name, by the way." Well, you didn't merge, on the contrary, you disconnected. During that time while you were killing monsters, I was slowly gaining the strength to talk to you. And yes, yours isn't bad either.- Hmmmmmmmmmmmm, can you take over my body?" ... Honestly... Yeah, but only for a couple seconds and then I used it a couple times to give my speech about becoming a god. I am, after all, an evil person.- ... Okay, so you want me to take over the world?" Well, if you take it over right away, it'll be easier to execute the plan.- Yeah, what's the plan? And spit it all out at once, I'm getting tired of asking every time!"Okay, I want to get my own body. Because of the fact that I have two souls in one body, and it's bound to you, I can take control for seconds...10. But once I get a body, no one can stop me, not even those creatures from the beginning, but it's better to level up before that.- Wait, two souls? Aren't you part of my personality, did I somehow split the soul as well? And how can you be so sure that no one can resist you?"Your soul has undergone changes since you moved to the mountains. Besides, I'm you, you shouldn't doubt yourself.- Uh, well, there's some sense in what you're saying. So all I have to do is level up? I'm just too lazy to take over the world."And get that stone. Any part of it.- That's it, all right. I hope I'm not fooling myself."Don't doubt yourself.- I think I have a shi-A dark palm that threatened a finger popped up in his imagination. It was odd, to say the least, considering it had appeared on its own." Ngrs," I thought, whereupon the palm changed color to white."Racist," it sounded somewhere in my head.# Back to the present #With another glance out the windows, I started down the stairs, leisurely heading for my swords, which had broken because of those rock ants.- Hmm, did those ants come from that creature's shenanigans?" Yeah, and you're quick to realize it. You're me, after all. By the way, those ants aren't the only thing that godlike thing did.- Why is it so mad at me?"Diarrhea.- What?" Forget it, it's not a big deal.- All right.Finally I went down to the first floor, coming to a painting that was unrealistic in size, it reached both the floor and the ceiling, pushing it away, I was faced with a huge iron door with a huge handle.* Sigh *- I feel like the person who built this house had a complex because of the size of something.* Squeak * * Shoo *Opening the door effortlessly, I stepped inside, heading down the small staircase, which was odd considering the rest of the house.When I reached the end of the staircase, I came to a large room that contained a giant safe, several large money cabinets, a giant bed, and another painting. As I approached the safe, I calmly opened it, pulling out the hilt and shards of swords.- Yeah, I keep forgetting to fix you, but maybe I won't need to.I channeled a charge of Force through the hilt, then directed it toward the shards, which began to attract themselves to the split blade. Eventually the swords returned to their original appearance, though a bluish energy flowed from the cracks.- Hmm, looks cool, and practical.With a swing of the sword, the blade began to lengthen, losing its usual appearance. The shards separated from each other, but were connected by the Force flowing through the hilt." Not bad.- I know, but before I level up, there's something I have to do." Jump off a bridge?- Yes!J" I gotta take a look at this.# It's been 15 minutes #I am once again on the edge of the bridge, while the swords hang behind me, with the Force constantly running through them.- I wonder how big a reserve I have?" Recovery exceeds waste.- Whoa, that's... Powerful.Whereupon I stood on the edge of the bridge and jumped while the passing people and guards were wahoos.The wind was hitting my face, but that was the least of my worries.- Would I survive?"Hmm, I guess.- Something feels bad..." I'm kidding, of course. Yeah. I don't care if you get shot out of a tank. Especially, it's not profitable for me to tell the truth, because if you die, I'll die too, because you are me.- Oh, this kind of talk gives me a headache. Let's not say "I'm you," okay?" ... Okay.The air resistance was still being felt.* Bam *There was a hole in the ground, shaped like a human figure with arms and legs spread out. I calmly climbed out of it and looked around.- Well, I expected more, the feeling of weightlessness is 4/5, air resistance is 5/5, because of that the overall impression is 3/5. Oh, jail.I looked at the strange structure that appeared in the original." This was fun, but now it's time to level up.- How lazy..." Who's lazy is... I don't know.- Uh, okay.* Boom *As I looked up, I ran up the surface of the gorge, vertically.- It's good to be fast."Well, not always.