The werewolves as Reuven's order noted: It was the time to come out of their shadows and the time to take the mantle because if they continue to shy or hide or to be afraid of what the bloodsuckers would do to them, they shall never take their place in the city.
And such was Luka's opinion which would now be implemented. Since the bloodsucker who would help them gain victory is dead, it is time they shall take victory by force.
The strange creatures they will find. Every creature has its kind. The creatures Winifred has seen would have come from somewhere. And since they attacked the bloodsucker, they shall have a cause.
It is then paramount that they must find the creatures and their kind and war with them and defeat them and they shall make peace with them because they are not their priority. And the peace treaty will bring in a truce and they will ally with them.
The creatures' war will be their war and the destruction of the bloodsuckers will outrightly become the creatures' war also.
In this strength, the werewolves in their numbers began to make their shield upon the alpha's order.
Since they understood the creatures' tactics, the fire was one thing they must avoid. For this is the importance of the shield and they will not be burnt even when the creature shall cast fire on them.
These shields were melted with metals but not as quickly because, at this moment, they were just beginning the forging of the shields.
All the gammas and the betas according to Reuven's order went into the woodland to fetch more and plenty of woods. They also pick every metal they would find anywhere and those they have on them they must surrender to be melted in the furnace.
At this moment, the omegas still stood guard in and out of the mountain to alert the pack for any strange movement.
Reuven on the other hand was watching as they worked hard in pumping heat inside the furnace including Luka who was among those pumping more heat into the furnace.
When they felt the furnace was hot enough, they began to throw every piece they could find into the mould. Such were horseshoes, axe heads and swords.
"Luka!" Reuven called.
Luka as he heard Reuven answered him almost immediately and headed towards him.
"Reuven," Luka said the moment he got to him.
"Would the metals be enough?" Reuven asked, seeing how few the irons they could pick and those they surrendered.
Since the hut disappeared, Adeline was made to disappear in the same manner. But this did not mean she followed the hut to wherever it would have appeared again. It only meant that she reappeared just outside: where the hut used to be.
She was covered with beads of sweat. The experience she had while she disappeared had been like she had been dropped from the sky to earth and that she did not land on her feet but smashed her head against the ground.
She kept breathing heavily and lay below, she was trying to grab some air until she would feel better.
While she was catching some breath, she thought back to what happened inside of the hut with the witch of who she cannot even determine her real face.
But this time, she felt something strange within her as she tried to remember the scene that happened before. She could hear some sounds in her head and of course, the sounds had not been painless. it was indeed filled with enduring pain.
The vision of the time the witch was talking with her and the smoke covering the whole of the hut she could now see. But she could see them only in a blur trance.
Another strange feeling aside from the pain Adeline could feel in her head was that she could feel what the witch was feeling. Such was pride and self confidence .
There was also a whisper within her that told her exactly what she needed to do.
When the enduring pain in her head was healed, Adeline rose at this moment and her sweat was all gone immedaitely.
This did not mean she had looked anew, she still looked and smelled tattered like she was just out of a house full of dungs.
Her hair in the same fashion yet looked roughed and dirty: decorated with soil and dry leaves. But all these had not mattered to her.
She knew what else to do and how to do it because the whisper in her head just told her.
Her devilish smile came forth at this moment but even before she would execute what the voice told her, she must satisfy her stomach.
Immediately as her wish to satisfy her cravings, she looked sideways, she saw an antelope which stood and stared at her as if it was calling her to itself. This antelope did not feel threatened or afraid in any thinkable manner.
Even when Adeline had not been balanced on her feet and she could only stagger as if she was intoxicated and her foot made the widest noise, the antelope remained unscared.
"Come you!" Adeline said almost getting to the antelope.
But even to the surprise of Adeline, the antelope obeyed her as if it heard her voice. The antelope came thus to her and closely as such and remained before her steadfastly unafraid.
While Adeline had been amazed by what just happened. She had never seen this happen to her before and indeed not to anyone else even the humans. It had always been that if a animal had detected a movement against him, he would always scram away at fast speed and she as a vampire would need to catch it to be able to suck its blood.
But now, it had been different. She could even caress her finger through its hair and felt it alive.
Even though it had been such a beautiful and innocent animal, her cravings come first and she stung her teeth in its neck and she sucked its blood until the antelope became dead and drained.