31. Adeline Reappearance


"I am afraid not," Luka answered, standing nearer to Reuven and facing the gammas and the betas as they kept pumping heat into the furnace.

"What do you suggest? We need to protect ourselves against these creatures as they will cast fire upon us when we first come against them and for heaven's sake we must." Reuven complained.

At this moment Luka held his hands to caress his jaws for a little longer before he would say anything upon Rueven's complaint.

As much as Reuven was anxious to know what Luka still thought about, his anxiousness has only been humbled because Luka was still yet to say anything about what he complained about.

"Say something, damn it! You are not the commander and the highest-ranking warrior for …" Rueven said hastily but was quickly interrupted by Luka.

"I have a better idea," Luka announced.

This brought nothing more but happiness for Reuven. Finally, he heard what he wanted to hear and Luka's brain, he was so glad, was now working properly.

"Let's hear it," he uttered.

"We will have to melt the metals into smaller pieces and not a whole shield and use the poplar tree, lime, or another split timber to build the shield. This will be covered in some instances with rawhide."

"This will give us temporary protection against their fire. With more offence than defence, we will achieve this aim." Luka said.

Reuven was thus more happy to hear this. At last, their goal to take over the city was no longer drowning beneath the sea as he had earlier thought and almost immediately, he ordered the betas and the gammas who were pumping the heat to stop for the moment.

As his command interrupted their hard work and everyone focused their attention on him, he only smiled and walked more toward them; closing the distance of how far he was before.

He ordered them to go into the woods and find the timber and the poplar trees because their system of building the shield changed but the tactics to get the creatures on their side still remained the same.

"That will not be necessary!"

This voice Reuven heard was that which was strange. Since there had been no woman among his pack, he was compelled to look behind him to see who it was and who dared speak against his order.

In the same way, Luka also looked behind only to see who had dared to speak and verily who it was with a different voice.

"You! Bloodsucker, I was told you are dead!" Reuven snorted when he saw Adeline.

"This cannot be. They say you are dead." Reuven uttered with a surprising look.

"How did you get in here without the guard announcing your intrusion?" He challenged seeing Adeline walking out from her hiding.

Adeline was yet to say anything more. It was such that her face was not as tattered as she was before. Ever since she fed on the antelope's blood, she had regained strength.

And by the voice she heard in her head, she had made her way back among the werewolves.

On her palm, even without the usage of spells, she lit a fire which revealed her face more to the wolves as she walked closer to them even in confidence.

Since her face was healed and she looked more hale and hearty, her garment also was changed by the power of magic.

This happened when she had not even realised it but by the wish from within and everything had a new change.

She was now in a red garment which covered her from her hair down to her feet.

When she was closer to the werewolves, Rueven already ordered the wolves to destroy her for she is a witch who used the face of the bloodsucker and not the real bloodsucker who should be dead.

At this moment, the gammas were the first to shapeshift into wolves. As it is in their nature, they had not disappointed and they began to act as leaders thus, to cast fear upon the witch and capture her at once.

Though their type of wolves were bigger wolves with grey eyes and they have longer claws, they moved closer to the witch and circled around her.

Adeline was then in their middle. Her confidence was undeniable and this was written all over her face.

The fire was still burning in her palm and at this moment she only pulled down her hood which now exposed her hair.

One of the gammas now ran forward and as he had done, the rest of the gammas thus did the same and the only gamma who was hesitant was Roland but he had no choice as well: Rueven's order was greater than his cowardice.

When they short their fist forward upon the witch's face, as they had hoped that they would hit her, they deceived themselves and set themselves for her trap.

This was all because by the gesture of Adeline, as she used her other hand and remained in her position, all the gammas against her were suddenly knocked backwards by nothing but thin air.

Each one of them, as big as they were and roaring as they were, hit their backs on the wall and immediately, Adeline cast weakness upon their bones and they lacked the strength to rise from their fall.

"Stand up, you morons!" Reuven grunted in derision of the gammas' weak trait.

When Luka saw how this happened, he immediately howled and the beta wolves in this manner shapeshifted. This was a call for battle and thus, as invited, the omega wolves left their positions and they all gathered against the witch who intruded into their home.

Reuven also did not stand there as a human but as a wolf as he now shapeshifted.

The zeta wolf now paced slowly, to and fro as he continued to shoot a deadly look upon the witch.

These also made the beta wolves and omega wolves fall behind him and when the zeta wolf howled again, they rallied around the witch.

Their eyes shone grey but their brightness indicated their differences.

Immediately, the zeta wolf jumped against the witch and howled, a few of the betas jumped and the other ran against the witch as the zeta wolf had communicated to them.

The omega wolves were not also left out. They also did in the same way with the beta wolves.

Even though the wolves brought a wave of a mighty attack on Adeline, this was only countered by one move from her which was that she slowed down their motion and one after the other, and punched each of them in the face at ease causing them to fall and hit each of their backs on the wall.