56. Adeline, Cyrus Combat


On Cyrus ' neck, the zeta stung his teeth. But if that was all, it was a lie. At this moment the Zeta removed his teeth from his narrows and stung the teeth on another side of his neck.

Cyrus screamed in pain. The zeta's bloody fangs were cold and sharp and the pain it induced was filled with agony. But that has not been all and the zeta was just only starting.

Suddenly, in a rush, the zeta clambered up Cyrus and stabbed him rapidly with his claws. When he did this, Cyrus's blood splattered on both their faces. In this strength, Cyrus was brutally wounded by the zeta before the zeta kicked him against the wall.

Cyrus's body struck the wall and he began to breathe laboriously. His blood was now spewing out of his wounds and at this moment, he used his hand to press his wound.

His skin was all bloody from his chest to his feet and he stayed on the ground for only a little more while.