66. The turn of the two 


But no matter how long Aponi and the new turned waited at the door. The house dweller still did not unlock the door.

If she opened the door she knew she would be preyed upon even so that no one in their right senses would do that which would cause their death.

Still, it did not mean both bloodsuckers went away from the entrance. They lingered and growled yet in a low sound as they used their claws to scratch the wooden door slowly.

This caused the lady's trepidation as she began to pant heavily and stare thus at the doorway.

The lady knew that sooner or later if she failed to act, she would be preyed upon. But even at this moment, she could not escape from her house and all that she could do was hide in fear.

But this did not mean it was only one door that led into her house. Two other doors led into and out of the house.