74. Stung the lady


Now, there were five turns, which included the newest turned in the west Petra. This did not mean the baby as she was beaten was infected to be a turned because Aponi thus ripped out her heart even before the mother.

Though Aponi or any other turned were not, the ones who thus sucked the baby, as the scent of the fresh blood stopped them from battling with themselves. In this manner, they delineated the scent of blood which travelled to them in a refreshed and higher concentration and thus; the mother has only eaten her child.

But all these did not matter to any of the turns, and not even Aponi or any one of them could consciously interpret that moment.

The mother of the child now roared, as her reaction was completed, and again, she boomed.

But that was not all. It was time to visit the last volunteer who killed one of the turns, and Aponi simply led the way.