90. Vam hunters Encountered the Witch


Frederick heard some strange footsteps coming at them. At first, he thought it was Otto having his revenge on him, but unless he became an idiot, would he continue to think that, because, Otto was next to him and he was still looking impressed by the sight of the water coming out of the rock. 

"Shhh," Frederick signalled Otto. 

The thudding feet still ambled toward them and even when Otto was still in confusion about why Frederick was acting keen, he swung out his sword the same way Frederick had done and at this instance, they both walked carefully towards the encroaching foot noise. 

Their footsteps also were not without rustling sound because the dry leaves they step upon as they walk slowly further cracked beneath their feet. 

Otto was neither behind Frederick nor was Otto at his front. They both walked slowly together side by side as they looked side to the front and behind them to see who or what encroached upon them.