93. Adeline Vam Hunter’s Doom


Frederick sounded more like a voiceless screech as he looked frightened to witness Otto puking blood to the ground and thus how he fell to the ground helplessly. Even so, Frederick dared not to lift his eyes nor think of any evil against the mistress. 

Yet, Adeline still walked up to them with her hand forged against them. And immediately she reached Otto. She lifted her neck to her fang and bit into his flesh to which he lapped up his blood. 

On the spur of this moment, the witch of the hut's laughter became loud and suddenly again shrunk into echoes. This did not mean that the laugh was heard by the Vam hunters in a different part of the eastern woods. It only meant that the witch's laughter was heard by Adeline. 

And more aggressively, Adeline continued to suck blood from Otto's neck to which blood splattered thus to her chin, to the garment, and the ground.