98. Blood At The East.


But Cyrus would not gnaw into that lung so quickly. He portrayed his dog teeth as he looked at the rest of the werewolves. "Give me the weakling and you shall have rest."

The creature next to Cyrus, who was thus staring furiously at the werewolves and with his dog teeth, which were of different sight to the werewolves, caused them to give Adeline away immediately. 

"There she is," said one of the gammas who implied in the direction Adeline had gone. 

"Oh! I know," Cyrus razzed with a smirk as he broke the gamma's neck and dropped him to the ground. 

Breaking his neck was so easy and more so that it sounded like a split of a carrot. Nevertheless, if Adeline had not come out by herself for the sake of the groan she heard, it was a lie. 

Yet, Reuven clogged the way. If he would let her go, it was another lie. "She is part of the pack. And if you will have her. You have to go through me." Reuven defended.