109. Trail of the bloody Thatches


Adam knew that the warbling sound the blackbird made could call the attention of the bloodsuckers against him and so he attempted an effort to drive the bird away. 

But that did not happen. The bird would not fly away, and yet the bird still made warbling sounds. And at this moment, Adam decided to take extreme measures. 

With his hand which grabbed firmly to the scabbard, Adam unsheathe his sword and pointed it at the bird. But the bird did not get scared, and nor did it make any sound at this moment. The bird only stared at him thus in his eyes. 

This made Adam unsettled within himself. "What kind of bird is this?" He uttered. The moment he decided to swing his sword up in the air and thus down to slash the bird to its death, his hand became heavy. 

He could not swing his sword and even though he was willing to do so. Immediately, he was compelled to kneel before the bird by an unknown force.