131. Hex Upon Adeline


Seeing that Adeline held the alpha most strangely, the werewolves were quick to understand that there was a combat between the bloody witch and the alpha. And it did not matter who was at fault. They would choose the alpha to side with again and again. 

To this, it was quite understood by the werewolves that family was first and the witch was not one of them. She only sought safety among them and now? Does she want to kill their alpha? 

They ruptured their bones immediately, and they howled loudly in terror at the bloody witch. 

When Adeline heard this, it caused the laughter of the witch of the hut. And immediately, she groaned and blurred away. 

However, it did not mean Adeline was controlled to escape from the werewolves. Instead, she was controlled to be strategic with her attacks on the werewolves.