174. Pay Elijah In Advance


Elijah laughed hysterically. "The father and the son betrayed their elder son and called him an abomination. But the wife and children betrayed the father and stabbed him into the casket." Elijah mocked again. 

Even yet, Cora still remained thus on the ground. Her regeneration was still taking place and only for this she would not attempt any bold movement. 

Elijah yet sauntered around for a while and soon as he was done, he walked directly to Cora's casket. 

"This casket bears the name of a woman. I assumed that is you?" Elijah mentioned. 

Yet Cora did not say anything. She only watched what Elijah was about to do and only still, Elijah hence marvelled at the fact that there were too many caskets in the sleeping basket. 

"I assumed if this is for you, then the rest are for your children. How many are they?" Elijah asked.