176. Name The Child


And the tribe leader, according to the words of the great mother, must not name the child in the absence of the mother who is also the Khaladi. The words of the great mother had clearly instructed that the mother herself would name the child out of her lips and her breath of the spring shall permanently dwell inside of the child, even after the dance of the waterfall. 

In this motive, the tribe leader understood his only function, which was to only lead the powerful dance of the waterfall. 

Such was their different rhythm and styles and the drums that portrayed their powerful steps. The eyes of the women of Lutana and the eyes of the men of Lutana. Likewise, the children of Lutana must not meet with each other throughout the dance of the waterfall. 

And as such, the hands which jammed together in separate seconds made a scream and as such, their legs which jammed together at separate seconds made another scream to the powerful beat of the drum.