178. Castrate the Mother-f**ker


Edith's words failed him, not because he was completely shocked by what he saw. But when he opened his mouth, the spell of the children of the witches of livee worked on him and took his voice away. 

Yet, they heard his thoughts because everything he intended to say or maybe scream only shrunk into a thought. 

"We are not the children of the witches of livee, you fool. We are the witches of the temple of livee themselves. We are those who burnt ain the temple and thus the goddess of fire brought us alive away." Kitara said as maggots fell down her mouth to the ground. 

Though Edith no longer had his voice, his mouth was yet bound with a rope that prevented his jaws from moving and that allowed his scream to become the sound of a dying rat even if the spell of the witches had not worked on him in the first place.