Chapter 8

"My office now!" he commanded in a bossy tone and left our quarters. "What are you going to do?" Cordis asked immediately he left.

"Nothing, I'll just hear what he has to say, you can go back to work now. I will be fine" I told her.

"Are you sure you don't need me around?" she asked.

"I need you, but I can't let you risk your work just for me. Go back to work". She kissed my cheeks and went down to her cubicle.

I watched her sit down before I turned around and took the elevator to my boss office.

When I arrived at his office, Olivia was already there sitting in the chair opposite his desk. But they were not alone, there were two other guys sitting on the couch besides the painting of our boss. I know them from the club. They were the guys with him the night I came unto him in the club. I am sure they recognize me.

"Good morning sir" I greeted boss who took his face away from me. "Good morning sirs" I greeted the guys from that night. They smiled at me. The taller one blew me a kiss and I swear I blushed red.

"morning sunshine" the younger one said. He had a white shirt and loose tie. I passed them and went to sit on the empty seat.

"Get your filthy slutty body off my seats" I knew he was referring to me. He called me a slut and filthy.

"I'm sorry sir". I stood beside Olivia. "Go get yourself cleaned up, you disgust me" he said again. I politely bowed and left the office. He said I should clean up and return to the office. I heard the door open and close as Olivia walked out of the office swinging her hips from left to right. I moved out of the way for her, I was not angry that boss called me a bitch / slut because that was what I look like to him. He is right I am a slut who throws herself to men and I did threw myself at him.

I went to the bathroom and took off my jacket, dropped it on the counter top. I washed off my make-up and brushed down my hair. I applied oil on my face to give a glowing skin. I also cleaned dust off my skirt and wore my heels.

By the time I was done Olivia is gone and so is my jacket. I knew she must have taken it. I searched for it and saw it in the waste bin all wet and dripping. I couldn't wear it anymore. I simply hanged it on the rope and went out.

As I approach our boss office I hear people talking and whispering. It was Olivia and the delivery guy. He was standing on the way while Olivia was resting her back on the walls. As soon as she saw me, she bade him goodbye and moved ahead of me.

She opened the door while I followed immediately.

"Hope you washed that bitch's scent off you" master said the moment he saw Olivia. She plastered a weak smile and walked over to his desk. She stopped before him and raised her hands to his face. They were nail marks on her bare skin which I know is from me.

"You smell good now" he complimented her. "I did wash off the bitch's scent as you ordered". It made things clear that I am the bitch they're talking about. I do not know why he called me that but it is getting to me.

I am not a bitch or a slut. I am a refined lady with a big goal. It is true that I threw myself at his feet but that doesn't make me a slut right?

Does it?

I don't even know.

"Miss Mercy I was made to understand that you initiated a fight. I have decided to let you go for the whole week. I am suspending you from entering the office from now till Monday. Go home, relax and know if you still want to join us as a Cleaner. Until then Miss Olivia here will take your position as the Research leader. Do you have anything to say?" he asked.

Do I have anything to say?

How will I say something when he has already labeled me as a slut. No matter what I say or do, it will not change the fact that he calls me a slut.

"No sir" I replied.

He looked up straight to my face. I don't read emotions or I would have known the look he gave me.

"Are you sure?" he asked me.

" Yes sir, I do…. I do… like… I don't have anything to do.. say. Nothing at all …. Sir". I bowed in respect.

"Miss Mercy?" he called and I stopped.

"yes sir?" I answered as I turned around.

"report back to work Olivia" he dismissed Olivia who hissed at me before leaving the room.

I was now left with my boss and the two guys sitting on the couch. I simply stood my position close to the door in case he throws more insults, it will be easier to walk away.

"I believe you know the rules guiding our company" he asked while typing some things on his desktop.

"Yes sir, I know the rules guiding the company" he looked up at me from my head down to my toes and looked away like I irritate him.

"if you know the rules, why are you dressed like this?" he asked as I looked down to my outfit.

I didn't see anything wrong with my outfit because I've worn the same cloths to work for three different days.

Tell me why today is different.

"are you planning on seducing me or perhaps the delivery guy?" he asked' I can be anything but not a slut.

How can I possibly try to seduce him? Worst still the delivery guy? The one that hovers around Olivia like a bird of prey?

God save me.

I looked at him and the guys sitting beside me and looked down to my feet. Nobody told me that my outfit isn't fit for an office work. Although, I had my jacket but it is dripping wet. Special thanks to Olivia.

"no sir, I didn't wear it to seduce you. I actually came with my jacket, but it got stained when I was....." I tried to explain but got caught up. How can I admit that I was fighting?

"Fighting?" he completed the sentence. I bowed my head in shame and embarrassment. Nothing hurts more than being reprimanded of things you know that you are way above.

I should really go home and think about my life.

I think it will be best to just go home and think about life and if I still want to work with the company as a cleaner then I will come back.

"you are leaving?" Cordis asked the moment she saw me with my bag.

"I'm on suspension and if I still want to come back, it will be as a cleaner"

"what!" she screamed. I simply gave her a weak smile and sat down on the empty seat near her.

"Cordis we are at work and lots of people are busy. You don't want to disturb them". She gave me a sweet hug then took me to the cafeteria. I didn't know it was lunch time already.

"So tell me what happened" she said as we were waiting for our orders.

I drew my seat closer and told her everything, from the moment I left our quarters till the moment we came back to the cafeteria.

"why will he call you a slut?" she asked. "I don't know" I told her. She was about to say something when our orders came.

"Hey girls" the lady said.

Kate is the chef here, she have been working in the company as a chef even before I resumed with them. She is a good woman and she is pregnant with her first child.

"Hi Kate" Cordis and I replied. She dropped our plates on the table and sat down.

"So, how are you managing the cafeteria with your condition?" Cordis asked her. She pulled the next seat and sat down.

"Not easy my dear, I will be a mother in two weeks" she smiled while rubbing her big belly.

"Wow, that's good news. I can't wait to be a god mother" cordy said. We laughed at that.

"Dorris can help. Actually we came to tell you that she will start today" cordy said. I looked at her.

"I can help?" I asked totally shocked. The last time I checked, I didn't say anything about working in the canteen.

"Sweet Dorris wants to help me or work with me?" Kate asked again.

"Katie I already told you. You must have heard about her suspension. I thought it would be wise if she resumes here as a chef until she's called back" Cordis said.

I think she has a point. I don't even know what I will tell my parents when they ask me why I don't go to work anymore.

"I think it's best if I take the position of a waitress. I mean you can't walk around with your condition" I suggested and as luck may have it she let me in.

I rushed my meal and jumped to work. I have no need for a uniform or formal introduction. Kate said that I can start from the main job. Though it is against the rule of the company to employ a chef without the MD going through his or her application letter and set up an interview with the applicants. If he pleases the boss, he undergoes a one day trial at the canteen where he will examine his or her capability and chose whether or not to employ the applicant.

But my case is different. Kate is due to delivery and she needs a replacement more than anything else. I guess I am lucky.

I continued with work for the rest of the day. I must confess, it is not easy but nothing good comes easy. It's a good thing that I have a reason to go out every day.

We close up at 6:00 pm when we are sure no one will come to the canteen anymore.

"Good night Kate"

"good night sweetheart". I left the canteen as she locked the door.

I saw Cordis standing at the gates. I knew she must be waiting for me. I felt bad for it. She could have left without me, I can find my way home. I don't like the idea of waiting extra hour and half just to wait for me. She closes at four pm or thirty minutes pass four. Now, it is almost seven and she is still waiting for me. I think the best thing to do is to tell her not to wait so long for me anymore.

"I'm sorry I kept you waiting" i said the moment I approached her.

"It's nothing besides, John kept me company" she said pointing at the guy standing behind her. I didn't even see him there.

"hi" was the only thing I could say. He replied with a "hi".

"So, we're good to go?" John asked. "Yeah" . Cordis replied.

Well, I do not have anything to say. He is my boss friend, one of the guys I saw in his office earlier today. He was there when boss called me a slut, bitch and many other things. Because of that I vowed not to create any kind of relationship or closeness with any of them.

"Get in the car girl" Cordis called my attention. I simply entered the back seat and she took the passenger's seat.

I placed my head on the window as we drove out of the company.

Today was as stressful as hell.

I pray that tomorrow will be better than today.