First meeting

The dance floor glowed as red and blue laser beams shot out from the rotating lights in the ceiling.

Music pounded against the walls and the smell of alcohol, sex and drugs filled her nostrils.

Beatrix looked around anxiously as she tried to find a place to sit but the couches littered around against the walls were filled with people who were busy making out.

A flush appeared on Beatrix's face and she quickly averted her gaze. How could people do that in public?

Don't they have any shame? But well the club was an escape for people society didn't want. They could do anything they wanted without people's judging gaze and here she was judging them.

Beatrix sighed, she felt so out of place. This wasn't her. She couldn't believe she had let Stella manage to talk her into coming here.

Devil's inn was a notorious club in country ZY. It was where all the dirty sins took place. Sex, drugs, alcohols and even murder.

It was rumored that the club owner was part of the mafia and he tortured people in the basement. Thundering music and drunk people, a perfect cover up for someone's screams. Beatrix thought.

Don't ask her how she knew this. Being the only daughter of the most dangerous mob boss in county XY came with certain knowledge.

Beatrix felt a nudge to her shoulder and she looked to her right to see Stella rolling her eyes at her. She leaned down to her ear, yelling over the thundering music.

"Wipe that look from your face, Bea. Come on, let's go get some drinks. You need to loosen up!"

Stella pulled her arm before she could protest. She led her through the mass of sweaty bodies and the stench of alcohol before they reached the bar.

Stella shouted out orders at the bartender whilst

she just stood behind her. Beatrix had never stepped foot in a place like this in all of her twenty two years of existence. Her father would kill her if he finds out she is here.

"Here you go." Beatrix turned a bit distracted as Stella shoved a drink into her hands, "Now take a gulp of this and stop goddamn worrying about whatever it is you're worrying about this time. Your father would never find out you're here. Remember the reason why we are here."

Beatrix blushed. Stella knew her so well, she was able to tell what Beatrix was thinking. She knew that she was worrying about something without her even having to tell her.

She guessed that was the thing about best friends, they just knew.

Stella and her were polar opposites. Stella was loud, confident and extremely social while she couldn't say two words to a stranger without stuttering.

Maybe coming from a household where women had no say in anything and might even lose their life if they had an opinion was the reason.

Beatrix exhaled deeply, she closed her eyes and

brought the glass to her lips, tilting her head back.

She gulped the drink in one hit, cringing as it burnt her throat.

Okay that was strong.

Beatrix coughed slightly, dragging her hand across her mouth as she inhaled deeply.

"Bartender!" Stella yelled once again and began

giving orders.

Beatrix smiled as watched her friend flirt with the bartender. If only she was this bold, she wouldn't be so lonely.

"Drink up," Stella said, shoving another drink in

her hands, and she did just that. This one was a lot sweeter than the last, it had a strawberry flavor.

Beatrix could already feel the warmth spreading through her body, and she squeezed her eyes shut waiting for the burning in her throat to die down.

When she opened her eyes, her whole body stilled as her eyes focused on a figure casually leaning on the corner of the bar.

Standing almost a head above most of the men

around him, his broad shoulders and thick arms

screamed strength and power.

He had looked relaxed, a drink held calmly in one hand that he moved lazily to his lips and back to the bar again.

But there was something about his stance and his eyes that made her a little breathless. His gaze was cold and alluring.

Beatrix had seen her fair share of dangerous men coming in and out of her father's office but this man…this man was the most dangerous she had ever seen.

With tattoos decorating his left arm and his eyebrows pierced he was the most captivating man she had ever seen. Maybe it was the alcohol because when did she find men with tattoos and piercings attractive?

Everything seemed to be moving in slow motion as his head slowly turned towards her and his piercing hazel eyes locked on hers. Beatrix stopped breathing for a moment as he evaluated her.

Nerves fluttered in her stomach and she fidgeted due to the intensity of his gaze.

Beatrix swallowed and wetted her lips, a habit she did when she was nervous. She felt his gaze now on her lips and she froze. She was completely transfixed.

"Oh my God, who is that hot guy!" Stella exclaimed, startling her and she averted her gaze. A faint blush tainting her cheeks.

"Beatrix Quinn, were you checking him out?" Stella grinned her eyes glinting with amusement.

"What-no, no I was just, I uhm" A deep blush coated her cheeks as she fumbled over the lie.

"Hhmmm?" Stella raised her eyebrows at her, clearly not believing her.

"I was not! Y- you know I like good boys like the perfect boy next door, not those who scream danger."

Stella chuckled and shook her head, "But he is perfect for you. You need a little spice in your boring ass life. Come on, let's go. We are going to talk to him."

Beatrix widened her eyes and shook her head, "N-no no. "

A wicked smile graced Stella's face as she ignored her friend and walked towards the man. Beatrix's heart slammed in her chest as Stella leaned closer to man and whispered something in his ears.

His gaze fell on her briefly before he turned towards Stella and nodded. He gulped down his drink and placed it on the bar before he stood up and they walked towards her.

Anxiety and panic gripped every nerve in her body and her pulse raced. Her heart galloped in her chest and her breathing became erratic as they approached closer.

His intense gaze made her feel like a prey. Like a lion calmly assessing his prey.

God, what should she do? Should she run away? That seemed like the best idea.

Maybe she should pretend that she didn't know Stella? Beatrix turned around and stared at the blazing lights, for some reason they suddenly seemed interesting.

She pushed her glasses on the bridge of her nose praying that any moment the ground would swallow her whole when she felt a presence between her and Stella came to stand in front of her with what are you doing look.

Beatrix glared at her friend and shook her head as she swallowed the lump in her throat.

Stella turned her around as they faced the man who had an amused smirk pulled tight on his dangerous lips

"Hello love."