The plane jerk

Beatrix had no idea how long she stayed at the bathroom. She didn't think she was ready to face him yet. She couldn't stop the dirty thoughts that seems to spiral out of control anytime he was near her.

She flinched when there was a knock on the door.


Taking a deep breath, she tugged on her skirt and peered into the mirror, making sure her cheeks weren't flushed before opening the door.

"Is everything all right?" Damien asked deep and quietly.

He had rolled the sleeves of his shirt above his elbows and it was quite possibly the hottest thing she had ever seen.

Her eyes travelled along the path of the veins in his forearms as they strain against his skin and branch off to his long, lean fingers before she forced herself to look away.

Beatrix felt like putting a bullet in her temple over the inappropriate thoughts that began to flood her brain.

God what was wrong with her?


He examined her face and Beatrix nervously tuck a long of tuck a long of hair behind her ear, all the while growing increasingly weary of his presence.

"D-do you need-something ?" Beatrix asked abruptly.

Damien rubbed the back of his neck and she couldn't help but notice the veins on his forearm again. When did veins become so attractive?

"No. I was just checking up on you. You were taking too long, I thought something-"

Damien was suddenly interrupted and they both lose their footing when we they violently jostled across bathroom.

The door slammed shut behind him with a loud bang before the back her head collided against the wall at the far end of the bathroom and then Damien collided into her.

Her heart slammed in her chest when she realized how close Damien was.His palms were rested against

the wall on either side of her head.

She could smell his clean, masculine scent-a mix of soap and aftershave with a hint of sandalwood-felt his

warm, ragged breaths on her cheek and heard the low, quick cadence of his heartbeat as his chest

pressed against by her , his mouth brushing ever so fleetingly against her own parted lips.

Those penetrating amber eyes focused on her in a mixture of curiosity and blatant lust before

they crinkled at the corners as Damien's face broke into the most heart-stopping grin she had ever


Her heart literally did a somersault.

She was too preoccupied by his intense stare to notice that the plane was steady.

Beatrix sucked in a deep breath when she began to feel Damien's large hands slowly, torturously sliding on her face.

His eyes burned with startling heat but she didn't back up an inch. Her whole body was frozen with shock.

His gaze lowered to the rest of her face and she fought every urge to close her eyes and let her senses take

Beatrix was too stunned to find that his breathing matched her own as he stroked her lips with his thumbs and searched her eyes.

"Beatrix…" he whispered

His voice was merely a whispered as he closed his eyes briefly, and then opened them again before staring down at her mouth.

Did he want to kiss her?

But why? A man like him would never want someone like her.

But still, she wanted him to kiss her. She wanted to know how his lips felt like.

Beatrix flushed when he tilted his head down. She could hear her heart thumping in her chest as she closed her eyes waiting for him to kiss her.