
Beatrix stiffened. He wanted her to stay with him?

"Alright, do you want me to turn on the lights?" Beatrix asked. The only source of light in the room was the soft flickering of the fire from the fireplace.


"Ermm…okay." Beatrix swallowed her apprehension, taking a step forward in concern.

"Ahh..Are you alright?" Beatrix asked. She didn't know why he was sitting alone in the dark at this time of the day.

"You're wearing glasses." He whispered instead, ignoring her question.

A hint of amusement laced in his voice. "I didn't know."

Beatrix pushed said glasses up her nose and shrugged.

"I'm shortsighted. And I can't read stuff well when

it's dark." She forgot that she had been wearing contact lenses every time they met.

He smirked. "It's cute."

Beatrix grinned. "It's not, actually. In fact, boys don't make passes at girls who wear glasses. They all want hot sexy girls. It's hard."

Beatrix said with a sigh, sitting beside him on the floor.

His mouth twitched further into a smile.

"I'm not a boy." Damien said, taking a sip from the beer can he was holding.

Beatrix exhaled sharply and nodded. "Hmmm, you're not."

"Can't sleep?" he asked, taking one of the beers from the table. He passed it to her but Beatrix shook her head.

"Not really." She pulled her cardigan tighter around her, aware that she wasn't wearing very much underneath.


He shrugged. "I don't sleep much. Or very well."

Beatrix frowned.

"Why not?"

"Just don't." He replied curtly, taking another gulp of his drink.

"I don't need much of it. Never have."

Then he cocked his head towards her and grinned.

"Why sleep when you can make money?"

Beatrix snorted even though a smile slipped through her lips.

"You think someone as rich as you can afford as

much as sleep as he wants. After all, you come from old money and everyone knows how rich your family is. Sleep is important because if you don't sleep and you get sick you can't enjoy the money."

He laughed softly, his amber eyes lighting up and

his face relaxing.

The sight and sound of it caused her insides to do a somersault.

Damien was a sinfully handsome man. His laughing made him extremely devastating.

"Well life's too short to spend it all in bed sleeping unless you're doing other things." Damien replied huskily.

Beatrix scrunched up her nose at him curiously,

"Apart from sleeping, what other interesting things can you do in bed?"

Damien's eyes flickered with amusement. He turned to her and traced a thumb across her lower lips

"Why don't I show you?" He rasped.

Her heart thumped in her chest and she swallowed nervously.

Beatrix took her bottom lip between her teeth and tilt her head to the side in confusion.

"Don't do that,Beatrix .…fuck," he lets out almost.…painfully.

Warmth rose to her cheeks and she let go of her lip.

Damien gazed into her eyes with searing intensity

before he sighed loudly as if weary.

"Go and sleep Beatrix. We had a long flight."

Beatrix felt empty inside for some reason she didn't want to leave.


"Go back inside, Beatrix, " he said, interrupting her.

"My self-control won't last much longer."

Understanding drawn over Beatrix and she flushed red with embarrassment.

Without a word, she scrambled to her feet.

She glanced down at him as he moved an arm over his eyes and inhaled deeply.

"Goodnight, Damien," she said quietly.