Meeting again

"Trust me, the coffee here is so good. You're gonna love it." Ava said. 

Damien had left her to attend some business so she had decided to hang out with Ava. It got lonely when she was all by herself in the house. But when Damien was around, all she wanted was to cuddle with him while he read her books.

His voice was just pure perfection. He couldn't believe the type of books she was reading. 

"Are you sure you're a virgin? Because this book is just pure porn put in words." He had commented last night. 

Beatrix still remembered the horror in his eyes as he read an explicit scene to her. 

"Please don't tell me this is your expectation of sex. This is so badly written and gives such an unrealistic expectation about sex."

Beatrix raised her brows at him,"Really?" 

"Yes darling. No man can last an hour in one round unless he has taken medicine or something.