Touch yourself

Keeping her eyes on Rhys, Beatrix removed her dress, exposing her bare skin to them. She was left only in her panties.

Both men exhale simultaneously. Beatrix should hate the rush of power that gave her the rush of lust, but she didn't . It felt right.

Damien shifted underneath her, his hand squeezing her thigh. She could feel him growing hard underneath her.

"Touch your tits," he ordered.

"Slide your hands over them and then pull on your nipples. Yes, like that. Fuck."

Beatrix saw Rhys breathing hard. She could see the bulge in his pants growing painfully hard.

She bit her lips and tilted her head back as she pinched her nipple between her fingers.

"She is beautiful isn't she, brother?" 

Rhys licked his lips, she could see his self control slipping, 


Beatrix prevented a light moan from leaving her lips when Damien's hand grasped her thigh and gripped it firmly.