Coming back

She sucked in a breath and lifted her eyes to the other dark paintings.

They all bore the same initials. 

She felt her stomach flutter.

This man, who appeared to be standing alone at the edge of a cliff, had created all of these beautiful creations with his own hands. 

Even though his creations were dark it was nice to see what goes inside his head. He had let her inside his personal space showing a part of him that he normally closed off.

Beatrix approached him nervously, eventually standing behind him. She wrapped her arms around his waist, resting her face against his strong, solid back. 

She spoke softly, saying "I'm sure your mother would be proud of you. You're so talented."

He laid his hands on top of hers as he hummed in response.

She wanted to say something else but she held back, knowing that no words could fully capture the depth of her feelings.