Sweet boy

Rhys and Beatrix spent the rest of the day talking. He was really fun to be with and she enjoyed his company. 

As the sun began to descend in the sky, he ordered playfully, "Go fetch a bathing suit. I am taking you swimming."

"What?!" Beatrix asked excitedly. She didn't remember the last time she went swimming. 

Rhys grinned at her, "You heard me love, go get change. Don't let me say it twice."

"Yes sir!" Beatrix replied teasingly, sticking her tongue out at Rhys.

"I wouldn't do that love. Unless you want us to have a change of plans." 

Looking at the heat in his eyes Beatrix flushed and hurried into her bedroom. 

She had brought two different bathing suits with both being red; one was a single piece and the other a bikini. Both were quite revealing. In the end, she decided on the one piece. 

She loved how Rhys was patient with her when it came to initiating a physical relationship.