Happy moments

Damien hummed along to the music playing on his phone, grabbing ingredients from the fridge with one hand and balancing them under his arm to start some dinner before kicking the door closed with his foot and strolling back to the counter.

Rhys was at the gym and Beatrix when he had gone to check on her was taking a nap. She must have fallen asleep right after her shower because she was wearing her bathrobe.

Rhys had told him about his nightmares and how hard it must have been for her. He was glad there was another person apart from him in his brother's life.

Beatrix was their little Angel and they would never let her go. Many wouldn't understand how two brothers would want to be with the same woman but well they weren't normal. 

He could see how happy Rhys was and that's all that mattered to him. His brother's happiness. 

The kid had been through a lot. So much worse than he had and he was glad that he was still holding on.