Making up

Beatrix curled up on her bed and stared at the ceiling. 

Even though Damien had told her not to take Rhys' words to heart she couldn't help but still get hurt.

It felt like someone was piercing her heart with a sharp knife. It was weird how she could feel the pain in her heart and inside her stomach at the same time. 

Tears blurred her vision and she wiped them away. 

She was not expecting that honestly when she decided to tell them how she felt about them.

What was she expecting though, for him to jump with joy? Expecting him to take her into his arms and spin her around like in the books.

She could still remember the look in his eyes. The horror and shock in them as if he couldn't believe her words. 

She heard a knock on her door and she frowned. 

Who could it be? She had told Damien that she wanted to be alone so she was sure it wasn't him. 
