
Beatrix jolted awake to find Rhys hovering above her. So it was a dream. Everything was a dream.

Blinking the tears away, he saw Rhys' face morphed with pain. Her gaze averted to Damien's body lying on the hospital bed. 

He was still the same, tubes and machines were attached to him. His beautiful eyes closed. 

Her lower lip quivered as she tried to maintain her composure, but it was no use. A tear rolled down her cheek, followed by another, and then another. 

She let out a choked sob and covered her face with her hands, her shoulders shaking with the force of her crying.

Rhys pulled her into his arms. 

"Shs—Shss——" he rubbed her back gently to calm her down.

She let out ragged sobs that shook her entire body, her shoulders trembling with the force of her grief.