Meet again

It was a sunny afternoon, and the hospital gardens were bustling with activity. Patients in wheelchairs and on crutches, accompanied by their loved ones, were taking in the fresh air and the sights and sounds of the garden.

Ava had suggested that they take a walk in the gardens. With four bodyguards trailing behind them. Two from Rhys and two were Ava's.

She realized over the past weeks of Ava accompanying her that her boyfriend was very protective, possessive and controlling.

He rarely talked let alone acknowledged Beatrix anytime he came to pick Ava up from the hospital.

But Ava was in love with him and seemed happy that's all that mattered. She was not the one in the relationship to make assumptions.

As they walked, Ava chatted and laughed with Beatrix , trying to take her mind off of her troubles. She told funny stories and shared bits of gossip, anything to bring a smile to her friend's face.