
Nightmares. A simple word that can be uniquely harrowing for each person. It's like a personal manifestation of your deepest fears and anxieties. 

When you contemplate them, it feels like your own mind is trapping you in a never-ending horror movie. 

In these vivid nightmares, there's no escape from the terror, and it can be even more overwhelming when you can't distinguish between reality and the dream world. 

The experience becomes so real that it felt like it was no longer a dream.

The dreams had become so vivid and intense that upon waking, they feel like real-life memories. 

Damien had experienced another traumatic nightmare, and the agony he had felt in that dream was so unbearable that he wouldn't wish it on anyone.

The dreams had become a source of constant worry, like a ticking time bomb that could go off at any moment.