
Beatrix stirred in a dimly lit room, her head pounding with a splitting headache. As she struggled to open her heavy eyes, she realized that she was lying in a bathtub, fully clothed and soaking wet. 

Confused, she tried to recall what happened, but her memory was foggy and incomplete. The last thing she remembered was getting into a heated argument with Alina, someone she had considered as her friend.

Suddenly, the realization dawned on her: Alina had drowned her in the bathtub. Panicked, she sat up, splashing water all over the floor, and tried to get out of the tub. Her body felt sluggish and weak, and she had trouble keeping her balance. 

She eventually managed to get out of the tub and stumbled to the bathroom door, which was locked from the outside. 

She banged on the door and screamed for help, but her voice was hoarse and weak, and no one seemed to hear her.