Love Confession

It was well past midnight when Rhys arrived at the hospital. 

The halls were quiet and dimly lit, and there wasn't a single soul in sight apart from the security guards standing outside Beatrix's room.

Rhys had made his way to the hospital after receiving a call from Damien that she wanted to see him. 

Damien had told him about his plan of sending her home with her family. He didn't agree with him but he knew it was for the best.

As he approached Beatrix's room, Rhys could hear the soft hum of machines and the rhythmic beeping of monitors. 

He pushed the door open, and the room was dimly lit, with only the light from the machines casting a faint glow.

Beatrix was lying in the hospital bed, looking pale and fragile. 

Rhys couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness at the sight of her like that. His heart beat twice. It was funny how she still gave him this kind of feeling every time he looked at her, no matter how many times he saw her.