
Alina could see the shock and hurt in Damien's eyes, and for a brief moment, she almost regretted what she had said. Almost. 

But then she remembered all the pain and suffering he had caused her, and the anger boiled up inside her once again.

"You have no right to talk about my mother," Alina said coldly, her voice trembling with rage. "You have no right to even breathe the same air as her. You're a monster, Damien. A cruel, heartless monster."

Damien just stared at her, his eyes dark and unreadable. Alina could feel his anger and hatred emanating from him like a palpable force, and she knew that she was in real danger.

He then lifted his head to look up at her, with that same gloating spiteful look in his eyes.

"Maybe you really are like your father," Alina said watching his reaction, "well keep going then Damien. Make him proud. Show how much like him you really are. Maybe you will kill Beatrix yourself like he killed your mother."