Visiting graveyard 2

Rhys and Beatrix step out of the café, the warmth of the sun embracing them. Rhys takes Beatrix's hand, intertwining his fingers with hers, and leads her towards his car.

They settle into the car, the leather seats cool against their skin. Rhys turns on the engine, and the car purrs to life. As they drive, Beatrix looks out the window, taking in the familiar sights of the city.

The streets are quiet this early in the morning, the occasional pedestrian making their way to work or to run errands. Rhys keeps his eyes on the road, navigating through the traffic with ease.

Beatrix fidgets in her seat, feeling anxious about the visit to her mother's grave. She had not been back since she left the country, and the memories of that day still haunt her.

Rhys reaches over and takes her hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. "It's okay, Beatrix," he says reassuringly. "I'll be right there with you."