Always remember

Beatrix slowly opened her eyes, greeted by the gentle morning light seeping through the curtains. Blinking away her sleepiness, she suddenly sensed a presence beside her.

Surprised, she turned her gaze and found Rhys peacefully asleep next to her, a faint smile on his lips as he emitted a gentle snore.

Beatrix became aware of the warmth of his arm beneath her head, stretched across her pillow, and his body pressed against her back. Their feet were entangled together.

A mix of confusion and delight washed over her, causing her heart to skip a beat. She rolled over to face him and saw him lying on his back, with his other arm under his head and his hair tousled on the pillow. He looked incredibly serene.

Seeing him in that state made her heart ache, but in the most beautiful way. It was like the feeling of a tight, affectionate hug that might squeeze your ribs but fills you with warmth.